Okay, so like fifty years ago I had this idea for a fanvid. I have a lot of ideas for fanvids and 99% of them aren't done and/or may never be. Reasons for lack of finishing include: severe lack of confidence in my vid skills (esp when I see other people on YT and I'm lik oh Lord I suck so bad I should not bother with my paltry offerings), multiple harddrive crashes over the years (loss of various video files - ripped dvds, works-in-progress, etc), super glitchy editing programs (I finally got Vegas, and it mostly worked by got slow and glitchy and then I upgraded Vegas and it was REALLY glitchy), having no patience for editing, having no muse for editing, having no time for editing.
Back sometime very shortly after Captain America came out, I heard this song and was like OHHH. hey this would be perfect for a video of all of them. Knowing Avengers was coming out in a year or so, I startedripping clips and planning the vid and editing. I got a lot done - chunks of Iron Man, chunks of Cap, chunks of Thor. Then all the things I mentioned above happened - crashes, loss of muse and patience, glitches etc. Avengers came out, I impatiently waited for the dvd, and when I finally got my hands on it, I gleefully ripped it and proceeded to edit the crao out of this vid.
Until those things I listed all happened again and/or with greater frequency (glitchiness) or for longer stretches (lack of time and creativity). I veeeerrry sporadically worked on it. One weekend I sat down and managed to hammer our 30 more seconds of the vid because Vegas wasn't sucking as per usual (and I know 30 seconds sounds like nothing, but it literally took me two days of almost non-stop editing. I cannot fathom how people on YT who vid so beautifully whip out videos continuously like it ain't not thang).
I got it to the point where it literally had less than 30 seconds left total that needed to be completed. And there it sat, for probably... 6 months? I maaaybe touched it once since like, February. And before that was like another 6 months.
Anyways, the point of all this is to say: GUYS I FINISHED IT TODAY. I FRAKKING EXPLETIVE FINISHED IT.
I started it in freaking like 2011. And I frakking have completed it. It's rendering right now and I'm terrified something is going to corrupt or blow up, idek. This new laptop I'm on (last one crashed in July ugggh) and brand new downloaded copy of Vegas *knock on wood* seem to really like each other because I worked flawlessly today - no crashes or random double frames cropping up, no random errors when trying to import or edit or breathe or move...
I did have to cobble together previously rendered test clips for this round because since the last laptop crashed I lost a bunch of media files (I thought I'd backed 'em all up, but must not have), but it totally was fine, and I had conquered those last 30 seconds like a frakking boss, and GUYS GUYS GUYS IT'S DOOONNNNNEEEE ASKJD;AKJGHD;KDSAJHGF
Once it's done rendering, I'll check it over for glicth spots (pretty much every single time I do I vid I end up having to re-render it about 8 times before it renders totally smooth), and if all goes well, I might actually be uploading it to my poor dusty YT account tonight a;slkdjhf;hd. When that is done, I'll be back with a link, and post it on tumblr and stuff. EEEE!!!