I really like the idea! If we got it together it would be ultimate fun 'cause then we could do cool things like techno stuff because with some other poeple they would not be too excited about that. Its hexa stressful though, if i don't get elected i'm not gonna make a big deal about it like someone else we know cough cough. I'm really excited about it cause that would mean we whould hang out more. I mean look at me and alice, we were more of aquantences before we made captains. now were super pals! So i guess the answer to that would be: DO IT DO IT DO IT.
hey lindsay duckett!!! be captain!!! i will totally vote for you. *pledges allegience* and you, irene, you and duckett would be awesome captains to the max!! we must do our senior choreography to USE! the world will not be complete if this does not happen. :-D ~ona
okay, now is the time for the second question, because i am very curious on what you are thinking. i could sense a little disappointment today after we found out who the captains were. What is it that you are disappointed about/what were you hoping for?
Comments 6
what do you think about me trying out for lassie captain? (be honest!)
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