Challenge #138

Sep 26, 2006 13:07

Weasley men, it seems, are drawn to women with spirit. Da says it's because the lot of us are passionate and reckless and it takes a woman with a similar thirst for life to live with us. Says it's in the soul of a woman.

Bill says you just have to look at the hair.

I didn't understand what he meant at first, I'm not ashamed to admit it. Who the bloody hell would understand that right off. I mean what does hair have to do with spirit? And did he mean our hair as a metaphor for our own spirit or the hair of whatever woman was destined to become one of the Weasley wives.

For the longest time I just assumed that he was making some sort of comment about all the Weasley's having red hair and then he got engaged to Fleur. Who is about as far from being a red head as a Weasley can get. Then I thought about it and realized that none of my siblings and I have ever dated someone with red hair, not even Percy who wouldn't have thought to buck tradition.

So I asked Bill what he meant, he smiled and said; "You can tell a woman with spirit by the way her hair shines, or flies in her face. You can see it in the way she binds it or lets it run wild."

It took a little time but I think I finally understand. Ma's temper and passion flare about her in a halo of bouncing red waves. Fleur's winsome intensity, the warmth that seems to have invaded my brother shines off her honey colored hair. The strength and unbending steel that Angelina needs to maintain Fred (and George for that matter) is bound in her inky braids.

Both Da and Bill are right; spirit might live in the eyes but it’s the hair that tells the real story. Maybe someday I'll be lucky enough to find a woman whose spirit matches my own. Maybe it'll be flying about her in a riot of chestnut curls.

Fandom: Harry Potter
Muse: Ron Weasley
Word Count: 348
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