Are you part of a SIG? Where is the lecture described? The ACM does seem to have a variety of (short?) courses offered free to it's members, if I'm reading the online documentation rightly ...
I wrote about the lecture last night, including photos of the speaker. I assumed that you read it already, sorry.
Our website is
I'm not part of a SIG, I'm a national member. (However I'm more of a tech policy gal than a programmer.) Got dragged into it by my father, who was a computer specialist for the Agricultural Research Service for many years.
I'm not a fan of professional associations in general, mostly 'cause they've never offered anything I'm greatly interested in; journal subscriptions would be nice, but most of that stuff I can dig up at the various UM libraries, or online. Other than that, why would I bother?
Voted for IEEE, because they have a somewhat better (in my admittedly subjective and biased viewpoint) selection of journals.
I _think_ most of the online journals are accessible to me if I log in through the work intranet ... so it'd be more a matter of which is the most appropriate to my interests. Interests which are always evolving ...
seeing as I don't have any experience with any group but the acmstormkingNovember 21 2007, 16:39:59 UTC
I would say whether or not you want to pick the acm might depend on how many of the special interest groups you are interested in and if you can get work to pay for memberships to the special interest groups. because they cost extra...
You have a number of friends involved with the local ACM. I don't know if that makes it a plus (because you know people) or a minus (because you want to meet new people).
Comments 18
I know the IEEE has a software subgroup. Lets see if I can find some info about it. Eh...all I can find is the IEEE Computer Society. it. I was thinking of the ACM's SIGSOFT. Might be worth looking into.
The ACM does seem to have a variety of (short?) courses offered free to it's members, if I'm reading the online documentation rightly ...
Our website is
I'm not part of a SIG, I'm a national member. (However I'm more of a tech policy gal than a programmer.) Got dragged into it by my father, who was a computer specialist for the Agricultural Research Service for many years.
Voted for IEEE, because they have a somewhat better (in my admittedly subjective and biased viewpoint) selection of journals.
I've always thought of IEEE as being more for electrical and mechanical engineers, with software kind of tacked on.
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