I got it a bit wrong. She was born at 8.06 this morning. Delivered by my dear friend. Weighing around the 6.12lb mark. Mother and baby doing well. I got to have a squish with her at just 6 hours old.
NOTE: Nephi has specifically asked me to post up pictures of her and Kaya
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Comments 1
I've made a public post on my journal.
Bit of a useless journal because I don't have time for my email at the mo, really, let alone anything else.
Ooh, four more cards just came in the post. I'll be offski...
Thanks to those of you who saw and texted/emailed/etc, poggs I added you, we just haven't had time to respond to everything and are just starting to regroup ourselves, and we're going to have more visitors again so won't be here much.
Mel, just got the card - thank you so much, and thanks for that cotton wool, we needed it in the hospital!
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