Apr 21, 2008 20:11
I feel all Brompton Oratory today. Must be the rain.
5.5 days left.
Apr 14, 2008 17:48
I am back home and healing, sorry for any worrying.
I get to find out if my pancreas stent has left the building later this week.
Apr 08, 2008 16:57
Surgery tomorrow. Let me know if you want me to call you after I get admitted upstairs.
or just email me your phone # at
Mar 09, 2008 23:14
April 9th, 6am at United Hospital in St. Paul, I will be having an ERCP done. I will be there overnight, so if you wanna visit, do it on the 9th. I can find some one to up date ya'll if my stay just happens to run longer.
I am not so scared this time, but pancreas surgery is all ways scarry.
Jan 12, 2008 01:55
My most wonderful and loving Grandma Lois McCarty died today at about noon.
It happened so sudden... I was totally not prepared for this. I will be going to Arizona with my mother in a a week or two to help get all of her belongings packed up and to bring her ashes home to be interred with my Grandfather this spring.