I wish you and yours all happiness, peace, contentment, health, productivity, and fulfillment in the new year.
So here I sit, home with my cats at 10:30 pm on New Year's Eve, debating whether Ishould shower and go out or just stay in, knit, and watch a movie. I've got lots of DVDs to watch, and it's warm and cozy in here (albeit messy, sigh). And I have plenty of UFOs to work on.
Had a very slow day, napping and reading, after a fairly social day yesterday and several nights of interrupted/bad sleep. And I'm not feeling all that social just now, despite invititations to 2 parties that I know I'd enjoy (fairly quiet and not too crowded). I wonder if staying home is mentally healthy -- am I letting myself get too isolated? I've always hated being alone on NYE, always made sure I had a place to go and folks to be with.
But right now, it just feels like another Friday night. And I don't really feel like bothering to wash my hair and have it drip-dry in the cold, but I'm too vain to go to a party with dirty hair ;-}. I'm still kinda tired. And I'm making excuses to stay home, and worrying that I'll feel like a pathetic picked-last outcast? Um, didn't I leave that behind in my teens and early twenties? I'm forty-one, and I know who I am, for the most part, and when I'm not miserably depressed, I don't mind being alone. I'm not feeling catastrophically lonely just now (tho' I would prefer to have a sweetie to smooch at midnight. maybe some other year. sigh.). Sheesh. Ironically, if I had someone to go partying with, I'd probably get out of the house, but I didn't make arrangements.
I've got a couple of parties to go to tomorrow, so I can socialize then. I suppose I can change my mind anytime during the next hour if I truly regret staying home, but in my heart, I know it's okay to choose my own company, even on New Year's Eve. To any party hosts reading this, no offense meant. I know you don't care if my hair is dirty ;-}. And I thank you for inviting me, and I promise to come to your next wingding.
Happy New Year.