So what follows under the cut are various fills I did for
inception_kink. Hope everyone enjoys!
inception_kink Prompt: Eames isn't the only one using terms of endearments - Arthur uses them with Eames too. Just... secretly. (Original thread found
Title: Endearments
Rating: PG (for cuddling, bare-chested men)
Notes: This was a fun monochromatic color exercise but more than that, a nice practice of drawing Tom Hardy's right arm tattoo (srsly, what is up with that fighting leprechaun?)
inception_kink Prompt: The team has to perform an IRL break in and Eames keeps getting distracted by the sight of Arthur in his tight, black, sleek burglary outfit.
(Original thread found
Title: Sneaking a_____. (If you're Arthur, it's "Sneaking Around". If you're Eames, it's "Sneaking A Peek".)
Rating: G
Notes: I love the idea of Arthur and Eames in burglar suits! Sorry they're not completely in black. I used Solid Snake's sneak suit *hearts Metal Gear Solid 2* because, in addition to being a really badass stealth outfit, it shows off the ass really well. Sadly, only Eames is really getting to enjoy the view in this picture. *wants to indulge more in the sneaksuit!porn* Also, the entire time I was working on this picture, the theme of Metal Gear Solid was playing through my head, which I'm perfectly okay with!
inception_kink Prompt: Eames comes across Arthur doing laps in the pool. Or In a dream (bit a dream while hooked to the PASIV or a genuine dream) Arthur as a mermaid. Essentially I just want them to be in water. (Original thread found
Description: This is a fanart for a wonderful kinkmeme fill on fairytales that I was delighted to learn was done by the talented
pyrimidine, titled
"Pulling Our Weight"!
Rating: G
Notes: I thought the piece relevant to the interests of the prompt (even if it's only Arthur in the water).
And the second art fill for this prompt just wanted out. It really did.
Title: Part of Your-Wait, what?!
Rating: G
Notes: I'm afraid that my brain is wired to see "mermaid", think "Little Mermaid", and then chibify the hell out of everything. *is somewhat shamefaced*
Special Thanks to: Chief, for coming up with the name of Chibi!Eames's awesomest boat evar and Arthur's song choice. Thanks for the beta, Chief!
And in other news, I am in love with Halo:Reach (my spartan has red armor and my callsign is 4GER, with my symbol being a Mombasa lion, BOOYAH!)!!! Erm, that is all. ._.
(I swear I'll get my other projects done, I swear!!!) *makes frantic, nonsensical hand gestures at