
Apr 18, 2015 14:52

Per my last post, trying to use Tumblr again has so far just led to a two-day long spiral into the depths of The Johnlock Conspiracy. I don't know why. I don't care about BBC Sherlock at all. Like, I actually don't care. Not like hockey, where I say I don't care, but I'm lying. I actually don't care; I haven't watched the show since the second ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

a2zmom April 18 2015, 20:57:09 UTC
I actually like Sherlock but a) I am incredibly behind on the show and b) am not interested enough to read meta on it. So, summary please? (I went to the link and realized I have no time to read all that.)


redbrickrose April 18 2015, 22:00:52 UTC
Basically, it's just a really elaborate fan theory that John/Sherlock is the planned endgame of the series and the writers have been leaving hints throughout, and the particular post I linked to uses an LGB research commission study from 2009 to make the argument that something like that is what the BBC has WANTED from it's LGB focused-programming ( ... )


a2zmom April 18 2015, 22:27:31 UTC
If that's not the endgame, I can't imagine the uproar.

Somewhat fray adjacent, I recently read that at a Sherlock con, people who were not Johnlock shippers were bullied and harassed by a small subset. I will never understand doing that to people.


redbrickrose April 18 2015, 23:46:42 UTC
I'm not gonna lie, I'd be delighted if it was the endgame. I'm skeptical, and not invested in that particular fandom/ship, but, like, it would be cool if any show did that.

Yeah, I actually read about that too, and some other wank around the whole thing while I was reading the rest of this. I don't get it either. :/


elucidate_this April 18 2015, 21:28:35 UTC
I'm not even clicking that link for fear that I will get sucked in and spend two years in a fandom where I don't even like the source material.

Thank God for April though, seriously Thank. God.


redbrickrose April 18 2015, 22:01:51 UTC
I do not recommend clicking unless you have an afternoon to kill.

I am warm. FINALLY. I almost forgot what that was like.


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