Me and the Prof do the 80s

Dec 30, 2007 09:59

The 80s! We were alive then. Ah... the memories.

1. How old were you in 1980?
R: Two ;)
D: Six

2. How old were you in 1989?
Nine years older, both of us. no kidding.

3. Were you a Toys R' Us kid?
R: Went there once after winning a gift certificate in a supermarket coloring contest. Disappointed brother by purchasing She-Ra dolls.
D: Nope.

4. Did you watch Transformers?
R: Finally. In College Orson Wells! Who knew?
D: Hell yes! and G.I. Joe!

5. Did you see E.T. on the big screen?
R: Don't remember, but know that I did. Family lore is that at some key, silent moment, my wee little voice filled the theater "Mommy? Is E.T. Gonna die?"
D: Yes, and recall really digging the bicycle...

6. Did you own a Lite Bright?
R: Hours of fun!
D: I had a couple of them. One for playing with and one as a light for reading in bed.

7. Who is your Favorite Golden Girl
R: Who was the snarky, cranky oldest one who didn't care about anything?
D: Ew.

8. When someone says " Who you gonna call? " You think?
R: I was so the target audience for slimer. arg.
D: Ghostbusters! du na na na na na....

9. What was your favorite toy?
R: Really? My art supplies were top priority, but if we're talking commercial, I did have fun trashing the She-ra castle with my brother.
D: Walkie-talkies. Hands down. Saved up money for months just to get them! (now that I recall, they might have come from Toys'R'Us)

10. Did you have a Hyper-color shirt?
R: No! Safe!
D: ::hangs head in shame::

11. Did you listen to New Kids on the Block
R: No! Safe!
D: Nuh uh!

12. 'Forever Young'- Alphaville or Rod Stewart?
R: Alphaville all the way!
D: Rod Stewart!
(uh oh. time to call the marriage counsellor...)
R: counters with Bob Dylan!
(so far we're still speaking to one another...)

13. Freddy or Jason?
R: Managed to avoid both of them.
D: Both pretty scary. Ask me about my "House of Horror" Halloween experience.

14. Did you have a Swatch Watch?
R: Oh yes. With neon orange Swatch guard, even
D: Nope. Think I had a timex.

15. USA for Africa or Band-Aid?
R: U2
D: Band-Aid

16. Ferris Bueller's Day Off or Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure?
R: "Would you like some Gummy Bears...?" vs. George Carlin and Righteous Princess Babes? Can't decide!
D: "...Let my Cameron Goooooooooo..."

17. Star Wars Toys or GI Joe?
R: SW, when my brother would deign to let me gaze upon his vast collection...
D: Yes.

18. Did you ever play MASH?
R: And how!
D: No?

19. The Breakfast Club or Sixteen Candles?
R: It's all about Joan Cusak trying to use the drinking fountain with her neck-brace on.
D: Yes... and Weird Science.

20. Did you have a crazy hairstyle?
R: Oh the horror. imagine a brunette Billy Idol with a braided tail... on the side.
D: Can you say Ducktail? And proud!

21. What was your first bike?
R: Miss Piggy Big Wheels. Look out!
D: Steel Huffy... which briefly parked itself in the back of a brand new Corvette (gotta love that fiberglass body... crunch!)

22. Name one thing you still own from your childhood?
R: Those darn She-Ra dolls
D: Solid Brass "Gollum" belt buckle.

23. Did you have a Cabbage Patch Kid?
R: Yup. Francine. So bored with her after about 3 months. Good thing I wasn't a mom
D: My mom made them, and clothes for them too.

24. Madonna or Cyndi Lauper?
R: It really comes down to which was worse: "Who's That Girl" or "Vibes"
D: Wow. Tough call.

25. Night Court or Cosby Show?
R: Rudy! Bull! Yes!
D: Night court (no hesitation)

26. Did you watch Miami Vice?
R: Meh
D: Yeah, I did. Cool Boats.

27. Tight Roll your pants or Parachute Pants?
R: So very pegged ::hangs head::
D: Parachute!

28. Did you own a Trapper Keeper?
R: Say, what? What is that? Oh! Omigod I probably did.
D: Yes I did! Peechee folders too...

29. Atari or Comadore 64?
R: Atari! Pitfall!
D: Atari! Frogger!

30. Did you play Pac-Man?
R: I think we had a portable version
D: Oh yeah. And connect 4

31. Which was better: the Goonies or Stand By Me?
R: Stand by me
D: Goonies!

32. Say Anything or Better Off-Dead?
R: "Joe lies! When he criiies..." vs. "Buck up little camper!"
D: Say Anything.

33. What movie scared you the most?
R: Didn't really watch the scary ones, but best friend and I LOVED the Large Marge moment in Pee Wee's Big Adventure
D: Christine

34. Did you try to dance like Michael Jackson?
R: I could so dance like Michael Jackson. I think I was five and Thriller (album and video) was the coolest thing EVER!
D: I think I could still moonwalk.

35. Rolling Stone said U2 was the band of the 80's, who was the band of the 80's?
R: The Cure!
D: Prince, before he started suing little girls for lip-synching.

36. Do you remember the founding members of Depeche Mode?
R: Nope.
D: Wow. Nope. Not me.

37. Wham! or George Michael?
R: I'm sure at some point I thought he was cute...
D: Same thing?

38. Oingo Boingo or Talking Heads?
R: Yes.
D: Then, Talking Heads, Now I would say Oingo Boingo

39. Blue Monday; 1980 version or 1988 version?
R: New Order was awesome... until the singing started.
D: ::blank look::

40. Back to the Future or Indiana Jones?
R: I don't know, they both had super crappy sequels, and rounded out with redeeming third films. We'll see how they stand when BTTF4 gets made.
D: Back to the future, hands down.
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