[When the feed starts, not much can be seen except for a wall of black gas. A piercing "IYAAAAAA!" follows shortly after the feed begins, then there's lots of coughing and hacking. Finally, some coherent words arise from the confusion.]
Wh-what is this and [cough] why did you direct it at me?! [wheeze and a bit of muffled grumbling] --ruin my hair.
[Finally, the gas clears, and a disoriented Grell can be seen in front of the screen. Why no, he does not look pleased in the slightest.]
To all of those who have a Houndour, do keep track of its attacks so this does not happen to you.
[After regaining his composure...]
Ahem. So you new recruits finally have missions. Now you can stop your whining about having nothing to do.
I will be visiting the ranch that some of the brats have set up. I honestly doubt they'll have anything "rare" by the Bosses' standards, but you never know.
Any of you in the area are welcome to join me~