Since I proimsed...

Apr 13, 2005 02:30

Time started: 12:35am
Full Name: Catherine Anne Reddick
Nickname: Cat, Catkins, Caterwaul... You can just use your imagination, really. They've all been used.
Sex: Female
Birthday: February 10, 1982.
Sign: Aquarius.
Siblings: One sister, named Ginny.
Eye colour: Hazel.
Shoe size: Well, I guess it sometimes depends on the shoe. If you mean my Nikes, though, they're a size 8 1/2.
Height: 5'5"
Innie or Outie: Innie.
What are you wearing right now: Boxer shorts and a plain long sleeve shirt.
Where do you live: Sometimes Birmingham, sometimes Chapel Hill.
Righty or lefty: Right.
Any pets: Mine and Kara's (big) puppy, Jasmine.
Can you make a dollar in change right now: ... is this asking if I know how money and change works?
Relationship? Yes.
Did you send this to your crush? Um.
Best place to go for a date? Somewhere you'll both like, or otherwise somewhere they wouldn't think to go themselves.
Where is your favourite place to shop? I try to rotate between a couple of places, or I just start feeling dull.
Do you have any tattoos or piercings? Pierced ears. That's it.

Colour: Red
Number: Is it cheating to say 31?
Food: Salmon.
Boys Name: I'm not sure.
Girls Name: Ruth.
Subject in school: English.
Animal: Dogs.
Drink (alcoholic): None.
Drink (non-alcoholic): Sweet tea.
Celeb: Brad Pitt? Okay, no, but I can't pick just one.
Sport: Soccer? Okay, no, it's football. But soccer's a close second.
Fruit: I like apples. They've got diversity.
Month: July.
Movie: Beauty and the Beast, actually.
Juice: Apple cider's the best.
Finger: What?
Ice Cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough.
Breakfast: Pancakes, bacon, eggs, sausage, and a fresh biscuit. Maybe a banana if it's sunny out.
Favorite cartoon character: Kermit.

Have you ever...?
Given anyone a bath: It's my job to bathe Jas whenever she starts to stink.
Smoked: No.
Bungee jumped: No, but that would be cool.
Broken the law:
Made yourself throw-up: A couple times when I was young and had an upset stomach and just wanted it over with.
Been in the opposite sex's washroom: Why would I do that?
Eaten a dog biscuit: Gross.
Put your tongue on a frozen pole: No.
Loved someone so much it made you cry? Is this asking if someone I loved has made me cry or if I've cried happy tears of loving someone a lot? There's a difference.
Broken a bone: Duh.
Been in a physical fight: Of course not.
Been in a police car: I've looked in side, but haven't actually ridden.
Been on a plane: Plenty of times.
Came close to dying: No.
Been in a sauna: Yeah.
Been in a hot tub: Hasn't everybody?
Swam in the ocean: I'm pretty sure most everybody's done this, too.
Kissed your cousin: Please stop picking on Alabama.
Ran away: No.
Broken someone's heart: I hope not.
Cried when someone died: Yes.
Flashed someone: ...
Lied: I try not to.
Cried in school: I guess, maybe.
Laughed so hard you fell off your chair: How does this work? I'm confused.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: Yes.
Saved MSN conversations: Sometimes I save the AIM ones.
Saved e-mails: Important ones, and there are a lot of those.
Been a member of the opposite sex: What?
Fallen for your best friend? I'm going to sound really young saying this, but I don't have just one best friend.
Made out with JUST a friend? I don't think one kiss counts as "making out."
Been rejected: Yeah.
Been in love? Pretty sure.
Used someone? ... I try not to.
Been cheated on? I doubt that Danny counts, so no.
Done something you regret? I try not to.

First thing that comes to mind
Red: State (Ha)
Blue: Moon
Autumn: Breeze
Cow: Pasture
Greenland: Not green
Cat: Herine
Car: Phoebe
Iron: Pump
Boot: Puss In
Holiday: Season
Family: Warmth

What is...?
Your good luck charm: Now that's a secret.
Best song you've ever heard: Toxic. Of course.
Stupidest thing you have ever done: Ever?
Whats your room like: Just the way I likee it.
Last thing you said: "She's getting big."
What is beside you: A lamp.
Last thing you ate: I had some chips a little while ago.
What kind of shampoo do you use: It smells like peaches.
Best thing that has happened to you this year: The Portugal trip.
Worst thing that has happened to you this year: A misunderstanding.

Have you ever had...?
Chicken pox: Yes.
Sore Throat: Yes.
Cold: Duh.
Bloody nose: Yes.
Surgery: Not a real one.
Broken bone: Yes.

Do you...?
Believe in love at first sight: I will if it happens to me. Maybe.
Enjoy parks: Yes.
Like picnics: Very much.
Like school: Especially the people.
What schools have you gone to: Briarwood and UNC. At different times.
Hate anyone: No way.

Would you...?
Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000: ...
Go to a Hanson concert if you had a free ticket: Either that or I'd give the ticket to someone else who'd want to go more.
Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars: No way.


Who is the last person that called you? Leslie, I think.
Who was the last person you slow danced with? It might've been my dad?
What makes you laugh the most? This is an easy answer, but "life."
Makes you smile: A lot of people.
Has a crush on you? No one.
Was the last person you touched?
.... you hugged? It was either mom or Kara.
.... you massaged? Kara.
.... you yelled at? Ginny.
.... who broke your heart? Why does this have "who" twice?
.... who told you they loved you?
Is your loudest friend? Aly
Is your quietest friend? Tarpley can be sometimes.
Is your funniest friend? Heather in some ways, and Aly in others.
Is your smartest friend? Kylie.
Is your SMRTest friend? Does that stand for something?
Has been your friend the longest? Danny. Or Les.
Is the friend you're closest to? I already answered this.

Do you/Are You...?
Do you like filling these out? I'm so sorry, Kylie.
Do you like yourself? I try to? ... No, I do. :)
Do you get along with your family? Yes.
Do you do drugs? No way.
Color your hair? I like my hair.
Stolen anything over $50? No.
Obsessive? About some things, I guess.
Compulsive? A little?
Anorexic? No.
Depressed? No.
Suicidal? No.
Vegetarian? No, but I really respect people who can do something like that.
Good driver? I take care of my Pheobe.
Good actor? It's doubtful.
Good storyteller? I could excell at puppet shows.

Night or Day: Night
Sun or Rain: Sun
Scary or happy movies: Happy
Chocolate or white milk: Chocolate
Root beer or Dr.Pepper: Root beer
Mud or Jell-O wrestling: What?
Vanilla or chocolate: Chocolate
Skiing or Boarding: Boarding
Summer or winter: Summer
Cake or Pie: It depends on the type of pie
Silver or Gold: Gold
Diamond or pearl: Pearl
Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
Sprite or 7up: 7up
Pants or shorts: Shorts
Orange juice or apple juice: Orange juice
Cats or dogs: Dogs
Coffee or tea: Coffee
Phone or in person: It depends on the person
Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: Youngest

Final questions
What are you listening to right now? Nothing. Everybody's gone to bed.
What makes you happy? A lot of things.
How many buddies are on your list? I don't want to have to count. Almost none of them are online right now anyway.
What do you like to do? ... soccer?
What did you do yesterday? I read some of the time.
Ever hated someone in your family? No way.
What's your career/aspiration? I'd like to one day be a sports commentator, actually.
Won any awards? Yes.
What are you most scared of? Disappointing myself and other people.
What car do you wish to have? I like my car.
Where do you want to get married? In my Church.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? I'd like it if I could naturally be more dedicated. There are days when that extra little push would really go far.
Have a lava lamp? No, but they are kind of pretty.
How many remote controls are in your house? Maybe three? I don't know.
Are you double jointed? No.
What do you dream about? My very last dream was about grocery shopping. And the groceries didn't try to eat me or anything. ... I'm kind of boring; I know.
Last time you showered? This morning.
Last time you took a bath? I'm not sure.
The last movie you saw at the theatres? I don't know, so it must've been a while ago.
Time finished: 2:29am
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