Jun 17, 2011 20:52

I'm watching Desperate Housewives now and I feel like I'm obsessed with this series. Like I'm addicted or something... I already started the third season and if I'll keep this up I'll finish this series before the end of June *shocked* Okay, I think I need a break...

And the second DH - Deathly Hallows second part's trailer:

image Click to view

I always wondered, Lily was a beauty, wasn't she...? 
God, now when I look at Daniel in that 0:35 he looks just like Zachary from DH.
And I must say, Alan, you've got one hell of a sexy voice there, mm~
And soooo much of Voldie! Voldie, Voldie, sweet little Voldie~! *giggles madly*
Lucy, what happened to your hair?! Your beautiful hair! And your face, now that I look at you again...
Wtf?! Snape, wtf was that awesome cloak thingy? ;o
Paddy, Paddy, omg, Paddy, my dear Paddy~! *awww*
And HPLV, omg, this movie will kill me, oh, yes, it will. Guess I should call the blood bank and reserve some blood for a trensfer, so many nosebleeds are going to happen...
Ginny, you had to spoil my fun, hadn't you...? Aghrrr!
"Only I can live forever." Yes, only you, Tom, and your precious Harry. And you'll live happily ever after and you'll have the cutest kids in the world *kyaha*
And what a great music they have in this trailer!

Ohhh, I just can't wait~! But on the other hand, it's such a shame that it's already the last movie. Oh, now that I think about it, it would be great if they ever did a remake of the movies.

desperate housewives, harry potter, sthing

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