Title: It's A Lot Like Cake
Pairing: Marui/Kirihara
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kirihara learns that ignorance is bliss.
Disclaimer: The owners of PoT own PoT.
whisper132. I can't give you coffee. I can't even give you good fic. I can only offer this.
Akaya looked at his senpai dubiously. "You're finally gonna tell me why Captain and Vice-Captain always act so weird?"
Marui-senpai nodded happily and set a beautiful white cake with different fruits decorating the top in between them. "Yup. I promised, didn't I?"
"And you're gonna tell me why we always have to wait to go into Captain's hospital room when Vice-Captain is there visiting?" Akaya didn't think that Marui-senpai would tell him anything. But if Captain and Vice-Captain were having secret meetings, it was probably about training. And it wasn't fair if Vice-Captain got training that no one else did.
"The relationship between Sanada and Yukimura is a lot like cake," Marui-senpai said knowledgably.
"Wait," Akaya said, stopping his senpai before he said anything else. “I thought math was like cake…”
“Well,” Marui-senpai began, smiling brightly. He looked down at the cake, almost lovingly, and let the knife hover above it, not quite sure how he’d cut it.
“You also said tennis was like cake. And homework…and, come to think of it, you said that doing laps was like cake, too.” Kirihara frowned, crossing his arms across his chest.
“Genius, remember?” Marui-senpai said, tapping the side of his head, as if that explained everything, which it didn’t. Not even slightly.
Akaya gave him a look. “Fine. So how are they like cake?”
Smiling widely, Marui-senpai swiped a small bit of frosting on his finger, and presented it to him. “Taste this and I’ll tell you.”
Warily, Akaya looked at Marui-senpai’s frosting-covered finger, wondering how the hell he was going to taste it without tasting his senpai, and realised that there wasn’t a way, and that’s precisely what his senpai wanted.
As soon as the finger coated with frosting was in his mouth, Marui-senpai launched into a detailed explanation about Captain, Vice-Captain, and the never-ending goal of getting white stuff in one’s mouth that made him blanch. He was never going to ask Marui-senpai to explain anything again. Ever.