Fic: Self-Service Matchmaking - Hilly/Hilly - PG, drabble

Jul 03, 2006 16:09

Title: Self-Service Matchmaking
Pairing: Hilly/Hilly
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Own not, earn not. Just having fun
Notes: Just a drabble. I was playing around with the pairing generator (all hail it!) and Hilly/Hilly came up. And for some reason, this popped into my head...

Hilly was bored. You'd be amazed how bored you could get as a six-million IQ holographic computer drifting alone in deep space. Not that she was alone, as such; there were Deb and 'Lene to keep her company, but there were limits to what they could do to entertain her.

She missed Holly. She'd tried to re-create him as a semi-autonomous sub-system of herself, but no matter what she did, she just ended up with an exact copy. And even then she couldn't get the hair quite right.

She had sex with her anyway. Something to do, wasn't it?

rarepairs, writing: drabble, author: kahvi, crack!fic, rating: pg

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