Title: Yellow
Pairing: Rimmer/Lister
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: You can tell I don't own Red Dwarf, if you think about it. I don't make any money from this whatsoever either.
Spoilers: Legion.
Notes: Just a silly little thing. Take it as such. :) Written as part of the
fanfic100 challenge -
my table is here.
Lister awoke to the fleshy, staccatto thuds which signaled Rimmer’s early morning exercises, and flopped groaningly onto his stomach, burying his face into the pillow. The thudding continued unabated, as did his state of wakefulness, and he breathed out heavily, almost choking on his own, not altogether pleasantly smelling breath. This resulted in an odd sort of braying sound. Finally, wanting to face the inevitable sooner rather than later, Lister turned his face out towards the room, and opened his eyes. For a moment, he was slightly disorientated, until he realized that he was no longer sleeping on the top bunk in their sleeping quarters of Red Dwarf, but in rather more modest, as if that were even possible, accommodations on Starbug, much closer to the floor. And, it would appear, Rimmer’s behind, bouncing up and down in front of him in an entirely too cheerful manner for this time of day. Lister stared for a moment, transfixed. “Morning,” he mumbled, through dry lips.
“Morning,” came the chirpy reply, from someways further up Rimmer’s jumping body.
Lister kept staring. Up and down went the view in front of him, up and down. “Why’d ya have to keep doing that every morning,” he croaked, his voice protesting at being strained to such great extent at this hour.
“Hah!” It wasn’t as much a laugh as a statement of fact. It was followed by the 180 degree turning of Rimmer’s body, with the inevitable result of his groin now being practically on a level with Lister’s face, should he sit up. Lister did not sit up. “Honestly, Listy, it’s like you’re afraid of a little healthy exercise!”
Lister turned quickly onto his back and closed his eyes as Rimmer began another set of jumping-jacks, now facing towards the bed. Not that his face was visible. Why did he have to stand so smegging close? “I’m not afraid of exercise, Rimmer,” he said, automatically.
“Really? From where I’m standing you’re looking as yellow as a jaundiced chicken.” Lister opened his eyes in time to see Rimmer’s altogether too smug face lean down towards him and wink, before the tall spectacle of a man dropped to the floor and began a series of press-ups.
Drawn by some force beyond himself, Lister wriggled closer to the edge of the bunk, and glanced down at the rising and falling shape of the hard-light hologram. The display was somewhat… Hypnotic. “But why’d you keep at it, though?” he found himself asking. “It’s not like you need to do all that stuff to keep in shape; you can control the way you look and all on yer own, can’t ya? Just talk to that fancy light-bee of yours, right?” Up and down, his mind insisted. Up and down. He shook the annoying thoughts away.
Rimmer laughed again, more heartily this time. He collapsed for a moment, but almost immediately turned himself around and started doing sit-ups. Lister rather regretted having changed his position now, but he found he couldn’t tear himself away. “Now…” Rimmer began, speaking between bouts, “this might come…” up and down, “as a surprise to you…” up and down, “Lister…” up and down, “but some…” up and down, “of us actually enjoy…” up, and hold. He frowned at Lister. “What?”
Caught off-guard, Lister could only stutter, feebly, “Erm…” He got a hold of himself. “I don’t mind ya doing that, really.” He coughed. “It’s just…”
Something changed in Rimmer’s eyes, and he relaxed, shifting to lean on his side, facing Lister, his - all right, there was no other word for it, impressive - body stretched out like an irresistible buffet. “Yes?”
“Do ya have to do it naked?”
Gleaming with holographic sweat, Rimmer raised himself off the floor and sauntered over to Lister, who was, now, indeed, sitting up to attention, in more ways than one. He hunkered down and looked the newly awoken man straight in the eyes with glimmering greenish-brown seductiveness. “Well,” he murmured, licking his lips, “like I said, there are some things I just enjoy doing.”