So... Thanksgiving was good. Second Thanksgiving was its usual writing mass of innuendos, terrible jokes involving subjects I shouldn't mention lest I inadvertently upset someone I like, and crazy ass food served up in all its leftover glory.
Regular Thanksgiving would have been wonderful had it not been for the sudden, abrupt medical bomb that was dropped upon me and my unsuspecting brother.
As luck would have it... my maternal grandfather recently has had a, and I quote, "series of strokes".
Plural. Strokes. Plural.
So that... put a damper on the evening.
I'm overreacting, I guess, as I do to most things. He's doing fine, aside from some memory loss and vision issues. Hell, my brother and I never noticed anything was out of the ordinary until it so casually came up over pie. And I guess I should take this as a testament to the fact that my grandfather is a badass, or... something. But God. It's scary.
I've been extraordinarily lucky in my life to have never lost a family member that wasn't a feline. I'm grateful for it. And the thought of losing one of them scares me, as I'm sure it does anyone.
I know I don't exactly have a right to complain or be upset. But I am. So... I'll just be selfish for a few minutes, and go under my desk.