A bit after 9 this morning I'd been going through stuff for a couple of hours and hit fed-up....so I hopped in the car and drove off to get coffee and some food from a local place and then went about 5 minutes from my place to the seashore. The bridge out to Odiorne is being repaired (it got parially washed out over the winter), so I went to Wallis Sands Beach. I spent an hour or so watching the sea, drinking my coffee, and just breathing the day in.
This morning was one of those perfect New England mornings, with just a bit of bluster and chill in the air to be near and in the sea.
Not too many people around yet as the summer tourists haven't arrived - just in the distance a team of young men doing soccer drills, two young kids playing with a sandcastle, and at the shore line, a guy throwing endless passes of a red frisbee at his black lab; who was running happily after it as if everything depended on it - the dog's whole body just radiating joy in the chase.
Salt in the air, cold sand at my feet, wind coming through, picturesque view, and a hot cup of coffee.
Good start to the day, and a wonderful way to refocus and recenter. Much calmer and happier now. I must remember to get to the beach more.