[ooc] Cheat sheet to Anita:

Jun 30, 2006 00:49

I dug this out of CFO - meme to end all memes!

Basic Stats:

Name: Anita King
Height: 141 cm (4'7)
Hair: red (appears pink)
Eyes: brown (appears blue/green, what)
Age: 13 14
Birthday: December 25, 1993 (adoptive)
Birthplace: SPOILER
Likes: milk, frogs
Hates: BOOKS, stupid people, being called short
Fears: books, fire
Affiliations: Three Sisters Detective Agency/Paper Sisters, Dokusensha (a book retrieval organization), Nishihama Junior High's Library Club. Currently a bodyguard to Nenene Sumiregawa, authoress, in Japan.

Medical Info: Dissociative amnesiac, specific phobias of books and fire, possible post-traumatic stress disorder. (I never studied psychology, so this is guessing.) Probably mindwiped once or twice. The shortness lack of height is completely normal. Superior strength, agility, speed, reflexes, etc. than the average human being.

Canon and History:

NO SPOILERS: This is what Anita thinks is her memory.

Junior: "I don't really like books."

Anita: "Me neither! They remind me of bad things. Things I don't really want to remember."

Michelle: "The oldest memory Anita has is about books. Stacks and stacks of books burning. Flames, cries, a darkened figure standing in the smoke. To Anita, books are a symbol of primal fears. She may go through life acting tough, but that's the image etched deep inside her mind."

Much of Anita's memory after that is a big blank or extremely vague. She was moved from foster home to foster home in Hong Kong, but constantly ran away from them. On Christmas Eve, when she was ten, she met Maggie and Michelle. They formed a bond and became sisters.

For several years the three sisters worked out of their apartment as a detective agency, occasionally freelancing for a shadowy book-retrieval organization called Dokusensha. Recently Nenene Sumiregawa came to Hong Kong, and after saving her life three times the sisters now live in her apartment as bodyguards.

SPOILERS: Anita's true origins.

Anita is a test project by the British Library - could they create an artificial paper user that didn't like books? Anita's genes were spliced from the best paper users and she was born, but her powers never manifested. She was written off as a failure but kept around the Library, where they continued to research artificial paper users.

At age seven Anita was caught in the Great Library Fire, where her powers manifested. In the confusion she was kidnapped by Dokusensha, along with the Library's data on artificial paper users. From the research they gained from Anita, Dokusensha created Sunny, Michelle and Maggie, along with other sets of Paper Sisters.

These 'posteriori' paper users' memories were artificially created because for some reason they were all 'psychologically defective'; they literally cannot be left alone for more than a few hours. (Episode 3 is proof: when left alone in the book district for an afternoon, Michelle buys out whole stores; Maggie catches a fever and requires hospitalization.) It was considered part of their training to live in families.

"You've been living a dream that we fabricated for you."

Anita, Maggie and Michelle are the only set of Paper Sisters to survive. From there on, it's assumed that the sisters' memories are 'true' and not written by Dokusensha.

A theory behind the fake memories is that the adventures in Read or Dream are actually the memories Dokusensha made up, given just how fantastic they are. This, however, is just a theory, but Anita may mention these as the random cases her sisters have taken.

I like this video, too.

3. What skills or powers does your character have? In particular, list any skills or powers that could be used in a combat situation.

Anita manipulates paper. It's an extremely versatile ability and difficult to describe in some cases (I need to put up images and such). On missions, Anita wears two thigh holsters that hold paper for her to draw and use as weapons.

In order from strongest/most serious ability to weakest/least serious:

  • form blades - daggers, swords or just a sharp edge. Anita specializes in close combat. She's also used the classic paper tessen on occasion.
  • sensors - Anita can sense movement or touch from papers she's moved.
  • telekinesis - Anita can throw paper with her mind, but it requires movement of some sort. For example, a gesture can shove a row of books out of her way or throw a number of paper daggers at a wall.
  • sticking - Anita can use paper much like wallpaper, sticking a target to a surface.
  • clothing - akin to telekinesis, Anita's clothing is made of paper.
  • shields - Anita can deflect bullets with books, but not with single pieces of paper.

    For more details, refer to this.

    Paper powers aside, Anita is unusually strong, fast and agile for a kid her age. (In canon, Anita has dodged a bullet fired at point-blank range from a professional assassin. She's also revived herself from a stopped heart in under a minute. I think this says something.) Anita can beat down an average human with minimal combat training, but cannot hold her own against other superpowers. Basically, her strength is hand-to-hand combat and her superpowers serve to help it, not take centre stage.

    This video might be handy for a demonstration.

    Your Badtouch Topics Are:

    FIRE. Anita's earliest memory involves being trapped in a burning place. Anita will drop whatever she's doing to either scream hysterically, cry hysterically, hide in a corner or a combination of all three at the sight of anything bigger than your average campfire. I'm not saying ban the use of fire in camp to prevent an emo Anita, but I would HIGHLY appreciate a warning if your character's going to use fire and I'm not expecting it.

    PRE-AMNESIA HISTORY. Dude, not even Anita knows about it because of her amnesia. Psychics, see appropriate section. Audience, I'll ignore you if you try to reveal it to Anita. These are serious spoiler issues for Anita and I don't want her to deal with them.

    ANYWAY. Aside from these, pretty much everything should be okay; if Anita doesn't know something, she'll think you're crazy. Also, don't make fun of her fear of fire (unless it's totally IC, in which you're an EVIL MEANIE and get to deal with a hysterical 13-year-old. No, really.).

    Notes For Psychics: Emotionally, Anita appears to be a well-adjusted kid, maybe a bit too overreactive and bratty. The first and easiest things to uncover are her love for her sisters and her fears of fire and books, maybe a little more energy to find out she's amnesiac (Anita doesn't realize that she is).

    If you're one of those characters that can learn character histories and such, I generally say no to attempting to learn Anita's history. About all you'll get is she's amnesiac save for one traumatic moment. No one should know at all what Anita's history is.

    Paper powers can't be detected unless I give the say-so or your character finds out from someone else.

    Bodyswitching/Shapeshifting/Other Camp Phenomena Involving Other Players: Ask on AIM/IRC/Gmail first so I know what's happening. If your character doesn't know what paper powers are, you are not allowed to mess with them.

    Hugging/Kissing/Physical Contact: EW GROSS KISSING. Seriously, Anita hasn't got hormones. Anita loves physical contact, but only from people she likes. She'll pretend to loathe it, though.

    AU/Porn: I'm okay with AUs, but porn? She's thirteen, you sick, sick people.

    Fighting: If there's going to be fire, we're going to have to talk; otherwise yes, go ahead! If it's going to be an extended sparring sequence, AIM or IRC me so we can coordinate something. If Anita picks a fight (and she does that often) and your character is going to use fire, please tell me so I can have her back off.

    Maim/Murder/Kill: Ask before you do any of these. Taking a broken bone might be okay; I draw a line at dismemberment.

    Baking: Anita wants to learn. Canonically, Anita can only make fried rice, curry and ramen.
  • memes, this is important

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