Things you may or may not know about Anita!
- Anita has paper powers - wait, that's not trivia. Or is it?
- Anita does wear her thigh holsters on a regular basis. She didn't before, but camp's sticking her in more combat situations than she really needs.
- Anita was never taught how to make her holsters - they were provided by Dokusensha. She's worried about breaking them because she can't buy them.
- Anita's eerily good at basic domestic tasks - cooking, cleaning, managing household budgets, etc. It comes from having to look after her sisters.
- Anita appears to have an extensive wardrobe, but that's because she can make paper clothes. She did get a goodly supply from an exploding laundry machine, though.
- Anita's obsessed with making money because at home her sisters spend it all on books. She is not obsessed to the point where she'd strip for it, however. Paper, she's not that desperate maybe.
- Anita's afraid of books. You wouldn't know it, but locking her alone in a library overnight (when not infected with some random camp status ailment) will induce nightmares.
- Anita easily sleeps 8-10 hours a night, but wakes up early to deal with the breakfast call.
- Anita can't swim. She can manage a dog paddle/front crawl thing and learned how to float from Kyon, but that's it.
- Anita has a minifridge in her cabin, courtesy of Jun. It, not surprisingly, stores not-Ash milk.
- Anita doesn't get sick easily. Go superior genetic breeding! She's never needed to take a day off and she's never needed to be hospitalized. Unfortunately, Anita also has a tendency to hide any hint of sickness until it gets too bad for her to fake. She hasn't crashed yet...well, maybe in camp.
- Since coming to camp, Anita's been hospitalized twice: dehydration after zombie make-out camp and a broken arm/Kohaku's drugs.
- Anita rarely hears the camp translator because the number of people who speak either English, Japanese, Mandarin or Cantonese is overwhelming. If she does need it, Anita hears English.
- There's a strong likelihood that Anita knows other languages, but not enough to qualify as a speaker.
- Anita was homeschooled by her sisters.
- Anita's strongest subjects are languages and PE. Her weakest is science.
- Contrary to popular belief, Anita's isn't stupid. She's behind on pop culture and doesn't know much behind certain references, however.
- Anita will henshin into one of Chibiusa's forms when she hits the barrier and continue to do so until the real Chibiusa shows up in camp. APP, PEOPLE.
- Anita's hobby back home was window shopping for Mr. Froggy stuff.
- Anita's medical file at the hospital states she's lactose intolerant.
- Before Anita met her sisters, she bounced between foster homes and orphanages, between living in privileged wealthy manors and on the streets. At least, she thinks that's what's happened, so she's not emotionally attached to those memories.
- Mr. Froggy is a franchise similar to Sanrio's Hello Kitty. It sells assorted 'cute stuff', including plushies, keychains, jigsaw puzzles, stationery...if you've seen it in a Sanrio store, it exists. (Canon never really said what it was.)
- Anita's laptop is pretty good mostly because I'm too scared to know if Anita porn exists. It has a Mr. Froggy keychain attached to it and plays Mr. Froggy SFX. The worst it's ever done is post embarrassing polls or memes without Anita knowing.
- Anita excels at origami folding and copying.
- Anita's convinced that her sisters are coming to get her. Everyone, continue to humour her.