IN looking back at my journal, I realize that, while I've been talking about Shadow and Callie for some time, and, when the opportunity has arisen, shown photos of them to a few friends, I really haven't been posting photos. So, a bit belatedly, a photodump of photos of the cute little ones. Don't worry...
Callie prefers the chin rubs
See? :-)
When we found them, they had started playing outside. It took them a littel while after we caught them to begin playing again. Once they started playing again, however, Callie really took to the ring toy. Shadow is not usually this restrained.
This is a bit more like Shadow...
Callie is truly a cuddlecat...
...Whereas Shadow seems content to flop on his back for pettins.
Shadow is the more adventurous of the pair
Not the clearest picture of their home life (I was still experimenting with a new camera)
This exemplifies why they need to stay together...