everyone he's written to or met in person. Those he's most attached to are considered his close circle and are the only ones he seems to truly have compassion for. If something happened to any of them, he'd be absolutely devastated and become overwhelmed with grief and anger. That number is only growing the longer he stays. He realized this attachment was growing during the great fire of the sphere. Something inside him told him that he should detach himself from them, but he found he just couldn't.
ittybityprodigyA short alchemist who repaired Rabbit's house.
crowsloveapples Bastet
felinemystiqueThe best way to describe Bastet is full of ideas. She gets people to throw their pants off a bridge when they had maps that said to do so. She sends people on odd missions for items in the Scavenger Yard. Strange person. He first meets her in person nearly two months later in the park and he quickly learns that sneaking up on her's a bad idea. She, among others, have warned Rabbit to not get too close to the Sphere's history.
She also runs a clothing store which has good winter clothing.
grab_my_bellsBell is a good friend of Youth's and has a strange obsession with porn.
hisbutler_boundRabbit first met Black at the sweets shop. When Black learned Rabbit was a medic, he began to divulge information to the medic to see what was going on (no eating, sleeping, etc). For a few months, Black offered more information as he learned it and Rabbit became more confused as to what he was, untill the Mall of America wilderness showed up. At the food court, Black showed habits of a butler. Rabbit also dove into the fantasy books to learn Black is definitely not human and may possibly be a demon of some sort (thankfully not a vicious face-eating one...)
Bridge "Twin-chan"
handy_psychicbridge is one of the first people Rabbit talked to. He has a mechancial dog named Logan Sparky McRuffles the Second. Sometimes it moos, baas, or clucks instead of barks. Bridge introduced Rabbit to the joy of Wii.
Bridge has an odd psychic ability through his hands, as well. Being a secretive person as rabbit is, he avoids touching Bridge.
When the massive fire struck the Sphere, Rabbit found himself traveling with Bridge until a building collapsed. Bridge pushed Rabbit and Aurora out of the way, instantly killing himself under the collapse but saving the other two. This pushed Rabbit's emotions over the edge, overwhelming him, and sent the redhead to attempt to at least recover his body. Unfortunately, this also caused his death by rusty metal pole-san's li'l bro. The two were reborn as twins.
Rabbit is actually very protective of Bridge and is very attached to him. Rabbit has considered sharing more about himself, but nothing about his lack of compassion.
feathered_earth Composer
darcyreduxFellow coworker. Rabbit doesn't know him well.
Cross "Silver-chan"
crownofsnow. real name: Allen Walker
Cross is sure something else. Rabbit first met him when he crashed to the ground in the hachery. Cross welcomed him to the Sphere and gave him information on how to survive. Rabbit now knows Cross is from his own home after seeing him in a memory crystal.
It wasn't much later that Cross invited Rabbit to his place to talk and show him his unusual arm. It was then that Rabbit realized that Cross was the person with the white hair that kept reaching out for him. Cross unfortunately doesn't have much information on Rabbit or anything in their past except that Rabbit somehow saved his life. When NPC-kun gave Rabbit an unsettling message, Rabbit arrived on Cross's doorstep to seek some advice.
Cross has told Rabbit quite a bit about their past, including Akuma stars, being an Exorcist, and a little about Innocence (not by name)
Rabbit is incredibly attached to Cross and will talk to Cross about most anything (save the lack of compassion).
Crow "Two-spot", "Stuffy", etc.
blackbirdxpieWhen the two first met, Crow expressed knowing Rabbit somehow but Rabbit felt Crow was incredibly foreign, not recognizing him at all. Rabbit finds Crow incredibly stuffy and overbearing, telling him to loosen up. However, Crow makes incredibly sweets, which seems completely opposite of his personality.
Dash "Speedy"
reckless_rebelDash is Cross's fast talking roommate and self-proclaimed evil overlord. At first, rabbit wasn't sure what to make of him, but Rabbit quickly grew attached to Dash. At first it was because Dash had such a close connection to Cross (who Rabbit found out very early was from his own past) but it quickly became that Rabbit just enjoyed hanging out with both him and Cross.
Dash has a habit of harassing Rabbit for his misunderstanding of modern slang.
They both share a love of coffee, a "manly drink", as Dash calls it.
Strangely, Rabbit is actually very attached to Dash.
Eyepatch "Me-chan"
smokesordieRabbit's 'twin'. The two look alike, both with red hair, an eyepatch over the right eye, and a green visible eye. Eyepatch is much harsher and more devious than his twin, which does rub off on Rabbit sometimes. Eyepatch is a huge chainsmoker.
Like with Cross, Rabbit is actually very close to Eyepatch. He's one of the very incredibly few people Rabbit doesn't feel emotionless and empty around. Rabbit concerns himself with Eyepatche's wellbeing and if something were to happen to him, such as if Eyepatch died, Rabbit would be absolutely devastated.
Eyepatch has introduced Rabbit to many modern things, including televisions, Goldfish crackers, and mattress surfing. The two share a love of donuts and coffee.
Unfortunately, he's also introduced Rabbit to the horrors of beer and a hang-over.
During the massive fire, Eyepatch was the one who found Rabbit with one of Rabbit's coworkers, Paladin.
Rabbit is extremely attached to Eyepatch. The two hang out on a normal basis. Aside from Cross, rabbit has shared the most about himself with Eyepatch.
burntorangeskyFred came to Rabbit's rescue when he was knocked out from his second memory crystal. The two get along rather well. She seems to have a fascination for history.
fugue_angelRabbit's only met fugue once and that was during Bubble's ball. Supposedly Fugue's been at the Sphere the longest and may know of the Sphere's past.
man_geniushe and rabbit chat quite a bit over the journals. He doesn't seem to understand that Rabbit does not know future talk or future things.
redrobinhoodRabbit and Ghost've written a few times.
ice_echaniRabbit met Handmaiden much later after they'd spoken on the journals. They first met in the Mall of America. She was juggling many bags and Rabbit invited her to sit down for some coffee. She is rather good at balancing things and seems to be quite academic.
Jack "Hobo-chan"
jackofallcardsRabbit first met him in person in the park. He appears to be just some hobo but he pings Rabbit like crazy. Neither's entirely sure why so they decided both were probably friends in the past. Something is apparently going wrong with him, as Cross told Rabbit. Rabbit isn't sure what it is, but it's dangerous.
Juliet "Jules"
esoteric_roseAt first, Rabbit wasn't quite sure if Juliet's a man or a woman, so he went under the assumption that by name, Juliet's just a really strange woman for several months.
Rabbit first met Juliet in the marketplace when he spotted a fellow redhead. The two shopped for a bit together. Later, Rabbit introduced him to the joy of donuts.
Jules has confided in Rabbit on several occasions. he's confessed being a shinigami and the horrible memories of being Jack the Ripper. He also told Rabbit, much to his surprise, that he's actually a woman, not a man. When he was drunk, Rabbit confessed he thought Juliet was incredibly hot.
Rabbit is attached to Jules. He realized this when Juliet went and got himself killed after the massive fire (tree vs chainsaw scythe. tree won). It's still a minor attachment but enough to get him upset.
Justice / Edgeworth "Edgy"
extantlawJustice is a coworker of Rabbit's. He seems to know Lezard a lot better than most. He seems stuffy at times but isn't a bad person. He also harassed Rabbit about losing his med bag (which he soon got back. it was rabbit's personal med bag anyway) on several occassions and threatened to dock his pay a few times as well.
Rabbit believes Justice has absolutely no sense of humor and is incredibly stuffy. He'd have more fun annoying Justice if he didn't threaten his job every 5 seconds.
Kazahana "Kaza" / "Icy"
snowburnedKazahana is a fellow medic as well as a fellow artist. While Rabbit hasn't really seen much of her work, he knows she can draw. They officially met one day in the park
Lezard "Lizard-chan"
flenceburgsbestLezard is a strange fellow. He's Rabbit's boss and while he's absolutely crazy, he's an amazing medic. He also supplies Med Island with the best muffins. Rabbit enjoys playing tricks on Lezard, including drawing on his face and stealing the best muffins from the basket.
Despite being incredibly professional at work, Lezard creeps Rabbit out every so often. Creepiness includes random bouts of psychotic laughter and throwing needles and pencils to make a point.
Strangely enough, Rabbit does find him, at times, rather sociable.
moerapierMet in the marketplace, Locket has an interesting taste for historical fiction. Her eyes are hard to see and she's quite well endowed, but she has a very pleasant personality.
Medium "Samurai"
esp_optimismMedium has a strange obsession with watching a TV show. Rabbit gave one of the broken TVs with her in exchange that she'd show him what a tv show was. Eventually Rabbit and Medium met up for a marathon of Steel Samurai and popcorn. Rabbit learned she was completely infatuated with the series rather quickly
Paladin "Pali"
mythgravenbladeA coworker (apprentice medic) of Rabbit's. Paladin is a rather composed and polite individual. Rabbit hasn't really talked to him much save during the fire when Paladin and Eyepatch found Rabbit impaled and pinned to the ground, though he seems a friendly guy.
silver_antlersHe has magic. He also worked for a brief time at Med Island. At one point, he came in to medical complaining of headaches.
Relic "Rel"
ambitious_firehe seems to be Lampwick but not. Perhaps it's a Thor-Rabbit thing.
Serenity "Harbinger", "Seren", etc
white_discipleSerenity has a strange tendency to show up when someone is injured and help them to medical or help a medic, usually Rabbit. The redhead is beginning to believe Serenity is some sort of harbinger of doom or something.
inthecenterfoldClose to a redhead, smoke and Rabbit talked over the journals several times but didn't meet until much later when the two met for sparring. Smoke knew Eyepatch, which caused him to do a serious doubletake when he met Rabbit.
godsmajestyRabbit isn't quite sure what to make of Stigmata yet. He's softspoken and likes dresses.
Truth/Phoenix Wright
misterblueskyTruth was one of the first people to offer Rabbit any help when he first arrived. He died once but was revived. His real name's Phoenix Wright.
chieftainessshe has an odd way of speaking. Rabbit met her in person when she was attacked by creatures created by the magical drawing pen. After the battle, Rabbit bargained with her to trade the pen for some nondescript objects
Will "Chewy"
pompous_todayFellow medic. Rabbit finds Will quite pleasant and actually rather smart. He has a strange tendency to chew on his fingers.
Youth "Eyebrows"
spandexisyouthYouth is a rather loud-spoken, wild, outgoing man who just can't sit still. Rabbit first met him when he was attacked by the Watch-killing monster and ever since, Youth seems incredibly attached to Rabbit.
Youth is also very strong and seems to have some obsession with exercise.
fewtererEyepatch's fickle roommate. Rabbit met Zombie in person once and deemed him a rather unpleasant person.
former acquaintances
Adam Park
imma_frogAdam has a voice in his head that's a frog. It calls him tadpole.
winged_stepsBreeze has an odd sense of familiarity to her. Because of this, Rabbit has invited her to room with him.
droppedastitchAn interesting person, Doll appears to be completely held together by fabric and stitches. It's amazing how she's able to move about or even live. That aside, she's an incredibly pleasant person and makes for good company. When Rabbit was stuck in a decorative dress, Doll hemmed it up for him so he wouldn't trip.
pathetic_knightHousekeeper. He had a memory where he fought a fake Red. Rabbit got to see this memory.
Lampwick "Fire-chan"
ambitious_fireLampwick is a cute little dragon-like creature with fire on his tail. Rabbit first met him in person in the marketplace. He has a thing for apples.
Lucy "Lu"
xsmithereensxLucy has many interesting books and ideas. Rabbit finds Lucy an enjoyable person to be around, especially because of her spunky personality.
He hasn't really gotten to know her all too well and feels he probably should.
ihavetwodadsRed's a scavenger. He was in Knight's memories when the group was stuck in the elevator.
artistic_spazRenae's an artist who's incredibly spunky and wound up. She traveled with him and unlucky to fight the dragon when they had treasure maps
steelobjectionsQuiet and reserved, Steel has a strange hairstyle. His bangs stand up on end like antenna. Rabbit grew closer to Steel when the two began to have coffee and later tea (when Rabbit learned Steel didn't actually like coffee) and chat on many occassions. Rabbit soon asked Steel to be his housemate and the two currently share the "rabbit house" in section 3.
heal4thecrash Unlucky first contacted Rabbit to check out this unusual hole he had in his neck. The hole seemed to be just fine when Rabbit got the chance to check it out. Unlucky later joined him and Renae in their quest for a dragon, which turned up nothing but a doll and odd prizes.
surrendertotoWest is green, which Rabbit finds peculiar and interesting. She has an idea, with another, to create a publishing business. When she learned of Rabbit's desire to keep the history of the Sphere's events (and his thoughts on possibly creating a library of sorts), she proposed the offer to her. While Rabbit isn't as interested in the publishing part, he is interested in writing for her publishing business. He wants to share the history he's written for future reference, though the prospect of keeping it hidden was tempting.