Player Information
Name: Stefan
Personal Journal: dragoon1940
Contact Info: AIM - dragoon1940, email dragoon1940[at]gmail[dot]com
Other Characters: Nausicaa
Character Information
Name: Asuka Langley Soryu
Source Canon: Neon Genesis Evangelion
Age: 14
Role In Canon: Secondary protaganist.
See here for the short version. Asuka was born in Germany in late 2001 to her American father and her mother, Kyoko Zeppelin Soryu. She holds an American citizenship, as well as German. She is one-quarter Japanese, which accounts for her rather strange name. As a young child, she was traumatized by several incidents involving her mother.
Kyoko was injured during a contact test of the Eva 02 series and driven insane when part of her soul was bound to the Eva's core. As a result, she no longer recognized Asuka as her daughter, instead thinking a doll was Asuka and referring to the real Asuka as "that girl over there". This was compounded by her mother's later suicide by hanging; Asuka found the body when she returned to tell her mother the good news that she'd been selected as an Eva pilot. Adding to the horror, her mother had also "killed" the doll.
She declared that she would never cry again and that she would rely only on herself; she would not need help from anyone. Her father remarried, but Asuka never truly got close to her new stepmother. She doesn't hate her, she simply feels as if she could never replace her real mother.
She achieved an unspecified degree at a university in Germany and received training as an Eva pilot. In late 2015, she was transferred to Tokyo-3 in Japan, along with Eva Unit 02, to help combat the Angel attacks.
It was there that she met the the Third and First Children - Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami, respectfully. She met Shinji first, when the military convoy carrying her and Unit 02 to Japan came under attack from an Angel. Shinji accompanied her in the entry plug as she fought and eventually (with some help from the navy and quick thinking) defeated the Angel. Upon her arrival in Japan, she moved in with Shinji and Major Misato Katsuragi, much to Asuka and Shinji's chagrin.
At first, she managed to fit in. She was the center of attention (briefly) at school for her rather exotic looks. Despite that, she only really made one friend: Hikari. She distanced herself from the rest (although she had an odd pseudo-friendship with Shinji). She assisted with the defense of Tokyo-3 on several occasions, including one where the trio of pilots finally managed to get their act together and destroy an Angel using teamwork developed on the fly. After that, things went horrifically downhill.
Shinji and Asuka's friendship deteriorated as she began to see him as a threat to her vaunted position as the “best” pilot of the trio. Their conflicting feelings for one another clashed, especially with Asuka's attempts to keep herself as the “superior”. Despite working in tandem to fight the Angels, Asuka expressed nothing but scorn after Shinji was temporarily trapped in the Sea of Dirac. Her feelings of inferiority were further reinforced when she was unable to defeat Bardiel, the thirteenth Angel.
Her mental and emotiona state truly began to deteriorate after a humiliating defeat at the hands of the fourteenth Angel. She came extremely close to being killed and Unit 02 was crippled. Determined to reassert herself despite her falling synchronization rates, she sortied against the fifteenth Angel. Unit 02 was struck by a beam of light, which proved by a psychic attack against the pilot - Asuka. In an extremely traumatic event, her mind was literally forced open to the creature and she was forced to relive her mother's insanity and face her own fears of being left alone and unwanted. Her synch rates crashed even further and when forced to sorty against the sixteenth Angel, she was unable to even get Unit 02 to move.
Throughout this period, she continually clashed with Shinji and Rei, her erstwhile companions, including accusing Rei of being a doll. However, after her defeat and the violation of her mind at the hands of the fifteenth Angel and her inability to even move her Eva during the engagement with the sixteenth, she lapsed into a deep depression and eventually went comatose, refusing contact with the outside world and was thus unavailable and replaced with Kaworu Nagisa - who turned out to be the seventeenth Angel.
NERV was attacked by JSSDF and SEELE forces intent on securing the Evas units and initiating Third Impact. Asuka was placed into Unit 02 for safekeeping and placed at the bottom of a lake in the geofront. Being bombarded by depth charges, she repeated her wishes to remain alive .To not die. Unit 02 responded. She discovered, much to her overwhelming joy, that her mother had been with her all along - inside Unit 02. She embraced this new knowledge and in a stunning display, annihilated many of the JSSDF forces assaulting NERV headquarters. SEELE deployed over a dozen Mass Production Eva units and Unit 02's power cable was severed, leaving it to run on battery power. In a running battle, she destroyed most of the enemy Evas, only to see them reanimate and return to life as her batteries died. Eva 02 was subsequently torn limb from limb and Asuka was presumably killed.
However, she was absorbed into the collective humanity during Instrumentality and later returned to Earth alongside Shinji Ikari.
Asuka will be arriving post-End of Evangelion.
Personality: Asuka comes off as an overbearing, proud, willful, arrogant and brash young woman. She does tend to be rather playful and happy-go-lucky, at least when she’s in a good mood. Added to that, however, is her need and want to be the center of attention. She’ll show off, she’ll boast. She truly is skilled, though. It’s not as if she doesn’t have skills to be proud of. She simply likes other people to know that, yes, she is that good. Part of this may go back to the period of her life where her mother believed that a doll was Asuka and refused to acknowledge her daughter. She simply doesn’t want to be forgotten or to be alone. She wants to be noticed, for people to feed her self-esteem issues and acknowledge her.
Asuka will tease people relentlessly, whether good-natured or mean-spirited (often mean-spirited), insulting or needling at others in order to provoke a reaction. She has contempt for people she believes are weak or can’t stand up for themselves, as well as for authority figures she doesn’t truly like. She feels that she is the best in the world at what she does and that no one will ever be able to live up to her. When she is proven wrong, her most likely reaction is get angry, hurl insults, and then go off to sulk and to reassure herself (and possibly others) that it was a fluke. Next time they won’t get so lucky. Similarly she refuses to acknowledge her own mistakes and will often shift the blame to others in an attempt to reinforce her own psyche and poor self-image. She also tends to get frustrated when other people can’t keep up with her.
In combat and under pressure, Asuka reacts quickly and often decisively. She doesn’t always react in the most well-thought out ways, but she does react and move quickly. She’s quick on the uptake and aggressive. However, this often leads to her disregarding orders she believes are stupid or don’t make sense and will resort to a head-on, aggressive approach (which she believes has served her well in the past).
When Asuka feels insulted or if she gets angry at someone she'll go off on them, either with words or with some sort of physical attack (usually a slap or a hurled object). She’s very touchy and has a temper, which is partly to hide her own insecurities about herself and her work. In fact, most of her arrogant, proud personality is just that - a façade to hide her own vulnerabilities and the fact that deep down inside, she really is just a scared little girl who wants help. She’s gotten so good at repressing that part of her and repressing the traumatic memories that led to this that even she believes it to a certain extent. Continued pressure or failure on her own part will strip this away and if her self-built image and support system collapses, she'll collapse with it.
Asuka also has a special hatred and contempt for people who are “over-logical”, who don’t show emotion, and in general don’t act human or don’t react to her teasing. In her mind, they act like “dolls” and this again leads back to the rather traumatizing experience with her mother when she was a child. Rei Ayanami, the First Child, was one of these and Asuka detests her, both for her inability to respond like a “normal” person and the fact that Rei garnered attention from both Shinji Ikari and Gendo Ikari, taking away attention from her, the Second Child.
TL;DR: she’s a messed up teenager. Really, really messed up.
Abilities: Asuka is a child prodigy. She learns extremely quickly and is also very intelligent. She is a capable Eva pilot, but is otherwise your average teenage girl.
Sample from Trans_9. Another Trans_9 sample And a third trans_9 sample.