Hehehe. I'm going to try a couple of
these out on my current roommate.
I'm not sure why but this one amuses me:
Every time the phone rings, turn on the stereo at full volume and begin to violently slam-dance with your roommate. If s/he asks about it, say, "Oh, that damn hypnotist...."
This one could be really creepy if done properly:
Hang all of your posters up facing the wall.
Listen to radio static.
However, just to reeeeally piss him off, I'm trying these:
- Every night, before you go to bed, beg your roommate for a glass of water. When s/he brings it, dump it on the floor and immediately go to sleep. If s/he ever refuses to bring you a glass of water, lie on the bed and pretend to be dying of dehydration, making annoying gagging sounds, until s/he does so.
- Every time your roommate falls asleep, wait ten minutes, and then wake him/her up and say, "It's time to go to bed now."
- Complain about your menstrual cramps. Loudly. This works best, of course, if you happen to be male.
- Get some hair. Disperse it around your roommate's head while s/he is asleep. Keep a pair of scissors by your bed. Snicker at your roommate every morning.
I'd do more but my eyes are burning. Ach. I need a new pair of contacts, I think.