i'll get back to you for more soon. but, in short, i'm going to be a first-year grad student at puget sound for the physical therapy program. i'm from hawaii, am 23 and i do like to cook for myself too. i have some old pots/pans that i might bring up that were my grandma's. at least i'll bring up the 5 quart pot which is very useful for stir frys and stew and other stuff.
well, i guess i'll start by telling you a little about me. i like to listen to hip hop, swing music and christian music. mostly radio stuff. i don't buy too many cd's. i'd like to buy a cd boombox when i get there. all i've got right now is the portable cd player kind. as far as music, i don't listen to it too loud (and usually it has been by my computer cd player).
as far as sleep goes, i sleep fairly early. i'd say 10:30-12midnight. sometimes i sleep late at 2am though, depending on what's happening. because i'm starting graduate school i'll probably sleep kind of early. i'd estimate 11-12midnight because i'm sure i'm going to have to do a fair amount of studying. but because school is so close i think i can go to the library or someplace whenever i can't study at the place (because you have friends over or i just need to get out). i get up pretty early regardless of when i go to bed. i'd say anywhere from 8-10am. even when i crash at 2am i wake up 10 or 11am!
messiness doesn't bother me. like you, i go through spurts of cleaning too. but i can manage to keep certain places nice that you'd like me to. recently i've been spending a lot of time on the internet looking at lindy hop (swing dance) videos. but it's summer and that's what happens :) . i don't drink but i have nothing against it. i think getting drunk is wrong though (cause the bible says so, romans 13:13; although that's just how christians think...i'm not trying to tell you how to think so don't take that the wrong way). i'd rather not have weed or cigarettes smoked in the house but i guess we can talk about that.
all that was just mirroring your email. here's some additional stuff about me. here's the stuff i really want to say :) .
i like to play most sports. the sports i like the most and that i'm probably the best at is ultimate frisbee and volleyball. i'd like to play some pick up frisbee games and maybe volleyball intramurals. this past year i picked up swing dancing (lindy hop). so i'll probably check up on soups (the swing dance club). i tried argentine tango too and i like it but lessons/dances again and again do get expensive so i'll probably stick to mostly lindy hop for now.
i also like to go backpacking/day hikes. the past 2-3 years my older brother, garrett, has been going and he takes me and my younger brother with him. i'm the middle guy, 23. garrett is 25 and brett (younger brot) is 22.
my brother's wife, kat, goes with us too. they're actually visiting august 19th-25th but i guess you'll miss them. but don't worry cause we're going to stay with my cousin and her husband in seattle. at the most they'll just visit to check out the place (but i got to ask adele about that; she didn't want me to have them stay at the place and i'm sure you wouldn't like that either). as far as the hikes, yeah, we've done some pretty crazy hikes. yosemite, sequoia, national park visits.
i like to play strategy board games too like axis/allies, risk, settlers of catan, lord of the rings risk. ok, so these are a lot of hobbies. and i don't think i'm going to have time for all of them. especially since i intend to take graduate school a lot more seriously.
i know a lot of this is not the most important stuff. like pots/pans. living preferences. internet stuff. i'll send you another email with "important stuff :)" because i have a family dinner soon. and, likewise, sorry about the long email. phone number is 666-666-6666 if you want to call me.
List 10 things in a day that give you a moment of joy, and tag five of your friends...(in no order of importance)
1. Watching movies alone.
2. Taking a walk at night in the middle of the road.
3. Getting high and giving in to the munchies.
4. Scratching a gnarly wicked itch.
5. Cleaning my ears with q-tips.
6. Cooking something and having it turn out really well.
7. Long bright sunny lazy days.
8. Clothes still warm from the dryer.
9. When the song you're listening to and the mood you're in coincide perfectly.
10. Getting lost in video games for hours.
1. Hoosen
2. Kat
3. Rosey Baby
4. Steffen
5. Beeper