Sometimes I wonder, whats this life worth, what am I working towards. I can't seem to figure it out anymore. I've lost what I thought it was towards. The people I was trying to make happy aren't here or aren't happy. The things, idea's, that I had seem to be nothing. Why keep trying? Why work towards those goals? There isnt' anyone but myself to do it for, and I dont' seem to want it anymore. So.. whats the point? IS there a point? Are the goals that we set for ourselves, even the ones we call realistic, anything more than a game that we set up for our minds? Is anything that we set up for our futures right now actually going to happen, or are we just trying for something that in the long run will be forgotten and thrown away because of some sort of new thrill??? I don't understand the point of life anymore. I don't understand it at all...
Maybe we are just playing games with ourselves, lying to get us through another day. If thats the case, what, in the end, are we living for? Even when we grow, the children we lived for will leave us, the parents we wanted to please will be gone, the friends we had will have last been seen at some 20 year reunion. We will, once again, be alone, with nobody to please but ourselves. How can I possibly look forward to that?