Rewatch transcript: The Shroud

Jan 05, 2012 22:45

pepper_field: And...
pepper_field: GO!
holdouttrout: wheee!
ami_ven: This is actually recent stuff (unlike most 'previouslies')
pepper_field: Is "Myrrdin" really the archaic pronunciation, or did Stargate make it up?
aurora_novarum: yeah, previously on our last rewatch chat.
ami_ven: No, spelling was kinda wonky way back when
aurora_novarum: No, Myyrdin was an early spelling at least.
majorsamfan: DaVinci code...LOL
pepper_field: But I'm curious if that was actually the pronunciation. "Ye" was said "the", etc.
aurora_novarum: Yes, I took a course in college on King Arthur. (We got to watch Monty Python as an assignment--I think it made up for reading some Middle English)
pepper_field: Heh
majorsamfan: Sam's always there to get them all back on track...
majorsamfan: Just like Pep
pepper_field: :-P
aurora_novarum: Aw, hi Blonde AT. Sam and Cam look very pretty in this lighting.
majorsamfan: Sam and Cam always look very pretty
aurora_novarum: true nuff
ami_ven: Quick, into this convenient tent
majorsamfan: Yeah - that looks like a GREAT hiding place - not visible at all!
pepper_field: Not so much "hide" as "stand out of immediate sight and hope the prior doesn't notice."
aurora_novarum: Daniel usually looks very pretty but in this ep...they really tried to work against type.
pepper_field: Oh hai Daniel
aurora_novarum: Oh yeah, he can't see you at all there. :-P
majorsamfan: In the director thing on the DVD Andy Mikita said the contacts drove Michael crazy (ier)
ami_ven: Opening credits!
majorsamfan: so they only made him wear them for close-ups
majorsamfan: Sam!
holdouttrout: a lot of hiding places on TV would be TERRIBLE hiding places in real life
majorsamfan: T looks so serious and Vala so snarky in the credits...imagine that
pepper_field: Yes, I was reading some quote where he was bitching about being strapped in a chair, half blind, and covered in prosthetics. Which I guess would be irritating...
majorsamfan: "And Michael Shanks..." never noticed that
aurora_novarum: Well the reason Adria's eyes changed in Quest was the contacts were kiling her during filming.
holdouttrout: colored contacts can do that, I hear
majorsamfan: I watched a BTS with PDL yesterday, and the ones Dean Aylesworth wore for Anubis weren't that bad.
pepper_field: Ah, let Daniel rescue himself.
pepper_field: He's good at it.
ami_ven: These are the kind of problems you only have in sci-fi
pepper_field: Oh, their timing with that beam is terrible. *g*
majorsamfan: what took u guys so long!
aurora_novarum: Bye midieval village
majorsamfan: No staff?
aurora_novarum: It was with his other robes.
majorsamfan: What's going on?
pepper_field: He does look like he's having problems seeing, actualy.
majorsamfan: Standard Daniel line
aurora_novarum: Aww, Teal'c looks so worried!
aurora_novarum: I mean they all do, but...AWWW!
aurora_novarum: Flashback!
aurora_novarum: With Cute Daniel!
holdouttrout: one of these days I'm going to have to master the walk and talk.
aurora_novarum: heh.
aurora_novarum: That dress of Adria's looks hard to walk in
pepper_field: Aw, Vala, you're really not as good a liar as you like to pretend.
majorsamfan: Indeeed
ami_ven: Walking in dresses like that is an Ori power
pepper_field: At least the train is behind her feet.
majorsamfan: Wwwwhat?
aurora_novarum: affecti..what?
ami_ven: Really, Adria, it's not nice to hit on Mommy's boyfriend...
pepper_field: This is so wrong.
majorsamfan: It sure looked like that was what she had in mind
aurora_novarum: Yeah, I think that's Merlin now
aurora_novarum: Daniel's still going...what?
majorsamfan: oh...she *DID* have that in mind!
majorsamfan: Oooh! SHARING!
aurora_novarum: ori sex
ami_ven: *g*
aurora_novarum: this is just so wrong.
majorsamfan: The other priors had to look on the shiny fire on celestus
majorsamfan: they didn't get ori sex
pepper_field: Daniel is always the special one.
holdouttrout: Vala: The Ori/Orici expert
pepper_field: It's a shame he now looks like a dying ET.
aurora_novarum: Eliot
majorsamfan: You...need us to...what?
majorsamfan: Look who's here?!?!?!
majorsamfan: :-D :-D :-D
pepper_field: Jaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!
majorsamfan: Beau = underutilized
majorsamfan: It's his birthday today!
aurora_novarum: beau bridges?
aurora_novarum: Cool
majorsamfan: Yeah - we're almost birthday twins
aurora_novarum: Hee.
aurora_novarum: Wait, I think Michael's is around now too.
majorsamfan: Dec. 15
majorsamfan: Ben B's is first - 12th
aurora_novarum: Of course Jack had to find a prop (I mean a seat)
pepper_field: Jack is confused by this plot.
majorsamfan: Jack=confuzzled
ami_ven: But he's used to that with Daniel
majorsamfan: You have to believe me! Why?
aurora_novarum: It's not surprisng. Daniel's plans don't usually make sense.
aurora_novarum: Probably why he ends up shot and/or dead a lot of the time
aurora_novarum: I don't even know who I'm tlaking too right now!
pepper_field: I think this is a terrible plan.
aurora_novarum: (And I still have to fanwank around how daniel knows about Abyss now)
majorsamfan: Amen Aurora
holdouttrout: it is a terrible plan
majorsamfan: my friend says...A to the men
majorsamfan: The looks on RDA's face!!!
aurora_novarum: Oh yes. Merlin! I love how Jack says that line.
majorsamfan: Daniel wiggling in the chair!
aurora_novarum: Michel does a lot of emoting. It's hard when he's tied down.
aurora_novarum: Aw, Sam and Jack geeking out.
majorsamfan: Interesting Jack's not wearing his dress uniform stuff like Landry - wearing green BDUs
aurora_novarum: Jack using Teal'c as secret weapon! YAY TEAM!!!!
ami_ven: I imagine Jack wears his dress uniform as little as possible
aurora_novarum: Yeah, that was always conscious decision for the character (and RDA hates them)
majorsamfan: Yes, but it's weird seeing him in BDUs without the SG-1 patch :-
majorsamfan: abhors!
majorsamfan: :-D
pepper_field: Yeah, even when he was boss at the SGC, he didn't follow George's lead and wear dress blues.
aurora_novarum: adria doesn't quite trust him. Maybe she is a bit of Momma's girl.
pepper_field: I think they should look into some way of de-priorising Daniel.
aurora_novarum: yeah, they keep distracting us from that idea by flashbacks.
majorsamfan: Daniel's not looking Teal'c in the eye when he says "believe me"
majorsamfan: He can't fly the ship if he's not a prior
pepper_field: Yes, but they could work on that problem next.
pepper_field: If I were Woolsey, I would have waited until Teal'c was safely across the other side of the room before I broke that news.
majorsamfan: I'd have waited until Teal'c were on the other side of the GALAXY
pepper_field: *g*
aurora_novarum: hee. Woolsey's never had much common sense. Bright, but no common sense.
majorsamfan: Always the wrong side of the argument
holdouttrout: it's still a terrible plan, though
ami_ven: I do like Woolsey, but yeah, he's such a Suit.
aurora_novarum: oh see, Vala has a plan, pepper. Everything's all right now. :-D
pepper_field: Vala: such a bad liar!
majorsamfan: Vala doesn't look him in the eye
aurora_novarum: She is a good liar when she doesn't care.
aurora_novarum: It's when she does she has the problem. And awww! I love this scene.
holdouttrout: that's a great scene
majorsamfan: yeah
ami_ven: Jack, ever the diplomat
aurora_novarum: Landry and Jack having their own wordless conversation
holdouttrout: dawww
holdouttrout: "You kill Daniel over my dead body."
pepper_field: Thank you, Landry, voice of reason.
holdouttrout: Landry: making sense.
majorsamfan: Cam likes crazy tooooo
pepper_field: Heh. Yes, Sam, now is the right time for a crazy idea.
majorsamfan: So truuuuuuuuuuuuue
holdouttrout: Even Jack knows it's a bad plan, Daniel!
holdouttrout: Not that their's is better, really.
aurora_novarum: I think Daniel's already able to overpower it.
majorsamfan: yeah
majorsamfan: Woolsey shouldn't piss him off...
majorsamfan: or get closer
majorsamfan: I respect you...
aurora_novarum: Woolsey can't help pissing people off. It's his superpower.
majorsamfan: LOL
pepper_field: Yes, Woolsey, this should not come as a surprise.
majorsamfan: Ruh-Roh
majorsamfan: smug Daniel
majorsamfan: wonder if Woolsey winkied in his pants?
aurora_novarum: Apparently they had a moment they wanted to show Woolsey pissed himself, but couldn't get it past the sensors. I think that was a wise edit.
pepper_field: Did Jack just call Landry "sir"?
majorsamfan: Yeah
majorsamfan: weird
ami_ven: I think he's kidding
pepper_field: Huh
majorsamfan: Aren't they both 2-star at this point?
pepper_field: Yeah
aurora_novarum: but Jack's Landry's boss.
aurora_novarum: by nature of the position
majorsamfan: Yeah...
pepper_field: Jack's feeling nostalgic.
majorsamfan: oops
aurora_novarum: (That they never say on the damn show!!!!)
majorsamfan: different rings!
pepper_field: I don't think they can hear you, Cam.
aurora_novarum: (no, I'm not still bitter)
majorsamfan: LOL
ami_ven: It's nice he said 'please'
aurora_novarum: You know the ori ship interiors are pretty...even if they are just reworked ha'taks.
pepper_field: Gosh I've missed this show.
majorsamfan: Funny how Cam doesn't worry about ricochet-ing on ships!
majorsamfan: Is that a head sucker on the wall?
aurora_novarum: Sam and her universally adapting laptop!
pepper_field: Yeah. I guess they took it from Merlin's lab.
aurora_novarum: I think they did. Because that's how Daniel builds it.
majorsamfan: oh, right
majorsamfan: dental exam anyone?
majorsamfan: I want Vala to help me on my next jigsaw puzzle
aurora_novarum: I love how Sam pauses a moment, listens to the gunfire and then just goes back to work
holdouttrout: I want Sam's laptop
majorsamfan: just like old times...
pepper_field: Hah, I didn't notice that.
majorsamfan: Marcel Marceau! LOL
aurora_novarum: she did say she was good at visual puzzles.
pepper_field: Jack so wants to say, "I think we should swap seats."
majorsamfan: Andy Mikita said that RDA/MS did a lot of ad libbing
pepper_field: Oh, Vala... don't be mean to Cam. *g*
aurora_novarum: RUDOLPH!
majorsamfan: LOL
majorsamfan: :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
holdouttrout: Vala: always looking on the bright side
aurora_novarum: is vala flirting with the guards?
pepper_field: I think so.
majorsamfan: Adria is one unhappy orici
ami_ven: It's a reflex for Vala to flirt
aurora_novarum: I love how they have their hands raised, but don't worry about hitting their radios.
pepper_field: Yeah...
majorsamfan: Convenient chair
majorsamfan: Little dizzy
aurora_novarum: well it's hard to faint and hold a metal frisbee
pepper_field: Tie Adria up....?
ami_ven: Nah, let her sleep it off
majorsamfan: General Jack...O'Neill
majorsamfan: Like there's another General Jack.
majorsamfan: Oh, wait, there is...Jack Ryan?
pepper_field: Gah. SG-1 are so hopelessly compromised.
pepper_field: They trust each other when they really, really shouldn't.
aurora_novarum: Yeah, Woolsey's first report back in Season 7 was kinda right.
pepper_field: Mm.
holdouttrout: so, so right
aurora_novarum: (actually, that's my whole fanwank of why they went after TEal'c like they did in Talion.)
aurora_novarum: Jack couldn't stop it becuse he protected Daniel here.
pepper_field: Hee. I love the outtakes of this scene.
majorsamfan: Reminds me of when Shanks had appendicitis
majorsamfan: appendectomy
aurora_novarum: hee. they were awesome
pepper_field: Haha. That's definitely Daniel.
holdouttrout: "If I was Merlin, you would know."
majorsamfan: fruit certificate...something
aurora_novarum: The weird thing is, as stupid as this plan was, it did work.
holdouttrout: Cam's expression
holdouttrout: "This is the guy I thought was so overwhelmingly cool?"
pepper_field: Yes, that's the uniquely lucky thing about SG-1. :-)
aurora_novarum: Sunshine callback!
aurora_novarum: yeah, daniel's plan had some flaws in it.
holdouttrout: that is not enough of a safety margin for ships that size.
pepper_field: So, run...?
pepper_field: Oh, no - no need.
aurora_novarum: no, they look like all the other toilet seat ships
majorsamfan: Bwahahahahahah
ami_ven: The Ori ships really are not attractive
pepper_field: Right, so - is it bad that I'm still not sure what happened in that ep?
pepper_field: I feel like my mum. "Who are these people? What are they doing? What did that man just say....?"
holdouttrout: Hah!
pepper_field: Which is why I won't go to the cinema with her.
pepper_field: So, are the Ori really dead?
aurora_novarum: Yes
pepper_field: Well, that was...
holdouttrout: Daniel might be evil, but he has a plan. A bad plan, but a plan! Except he might be evil. So they're going to do the plan anyway, because he's not evil. Only he is! Oh, wait, nevermind. That was a trick. But it's still bad news for everyone. Only maybe not.
holdouttrout: I can't see why you're confused, Pepper.
aurora_novarum: But Adria, who was human, survived even though she was at ground zero, and sucked all the ori power into her.
holdouttrout: It's really very simple.
aurora_novarum: We only find that out in the movie.
ami_ven: Right, not confusing at all
pepper_field: ...not as dramatic a death of the entire evil alien overlords as I would have expected. No wonder I missed it.
pepper_field: I return to my "there should be explosions" theory of storytelling.
holdouttrout: I agree.
aurora_novarum: it's hard to get too dramatic about a bunch of fire.
aurora_novarum: You know, all they needed was some firetrucks and long hoses.
holdouttrout: They should have shown the other side of the wormhole and pretty lights all across the galaxy or something.
pepper_field: *g*
pepper_field: Yeah, seeing as they set them up as Teh Ultimate Evol...
holdouttrout: ascended beings aren't neearly corporeal enough for TV.
aurora_novarum: but we couldn't know *now* that it worked.
aurora_novarum: Because...
aurora_novarum: um...
holdouttrout: Because it would be too satisfying.
aurora_novarum: aw, screw it. Fire bad. Tree pretty.

1014 the shroud, season 10, redial international chat

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