Okay, I haven't updated in awhile.
Like, in months.
But since its New Years, I'm determined to post more...
Anyways, I have the following comments:
- Can't wait to see WATCHMENNNNNNNN in theaters, March 6th(?). If you've never heard of Watchmen, its a comic book, and its been made into the movie. GO WATCH IT. From the previews I've seen, it looks kickass, and if its anything like the comic book it will be made of awesome.
- How did my Christmas go? Pretty fantastic, son. I got a lot of the things I wanted... including 3 Wall-e's. I haven't gotten a chance to return one of them, but as for the other one, I only got store credit. WHICH SUCKED. Especially since the cashier was such an airhead. >:l But that's okay. It all worked out in the end. My sister was shopping from the same store and decided to use my store credit and give me money for it in exchange.
- In response to the one above... yes, I saw Wall-e. OMG IT WAS AMAZING. I'm not going to lie: I cried. Twice. I also got Kung-Fu Panda for Christmas and HellBoy II. Haven't see HellBoy II yet (still working on it) but Kung-Fu Panda was really good. Usually, I tend to stray away from computer animated films these days (unless they're produced by Pixar and/or Disney) because they've been really sucky lately, but Kung-Fu Panda was actually... pretty good. It was fun, cute, and the graphics weren't too bad... though I thought Tigress looked to masculine. Eep. Also... WHAT AN AMAZING CAST. Seriously. Jack Black. Angelina Jolie. Jackie Chan. It was awesome.
- I'm currently reading Choke by Chuck Palahniuk, Impulse by Ellen Hopkins, Brisingr by Christopher Paolini (err, sort of). I also have The Way of Shadows by I-kind-of-forgot and Dune by I-kind-of-forgot on the waiting list. I also just finished To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee for school. Chuck Palhaniuk is God, as always. As for Ellen Hopkins... normally I'm not a fan of poems, but I actually really like her. Her book, Impulse... its told so realistically, like it was actually written by a teenager--not a fifty year old woman. She's really in touch with her past, yet still keeping in touch with modern times. I mean, one of the characters in Impulse is GAY and isn't characterized as an evil, sin-committing slut (well, so far, but at this point I trust Ellen Hopkins to keep him in-character). I've been trying to read Brisingr but its been so long since I read Eragon and Eldest that I kind of forgot everything. I'm definitely looking forward to reading Dune and The Way of Shadows. As for TKAM, Atticus Finch FTW.
- As for the comic books I've been reading, The Killing Joke by Alan Moore is Epically Epic. Uhhh... Naruto? What's that? I haven't been keeping up to date.
- OMGIWANNASEEBENJAMINBUTTON. Cate Blanchett is beautiful and amazing and beautiful.
- Captain Crunch Berries cereal. I've always liked it but now I've been eating it more often. I like it. I like it a lot.
- Haven't been reading Ferard fanfiction. Have been, however, obsessed with The Umbrella Academy and love its new series "Dallas". I also love the new MCR website and seeing the MCR guys freaking out about Twitter. Bob and Gerard are amazing bloggers and Ray is actually an amazing storyteller!
I also have the following questions:
- Naruto. Is it worth going back and reading or should I just drop it and let it decay?
- Have you seen Benjamin Button? DON'T RUIN IT FOR ME. But please let me know if its good or not... and while we're on that subject, what other movies are good right now? How is "Doubt"?
- How was your Christmas/Holiday Break/New Years?