Title: Lullaby
Chapters: 3/4
Author: redmercenary
Genre: CRACK, fluff, AU
Pairings/Characters: Reituki
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gazette
Synopsis: What is there for a city boy in the country? Something wonderful he'd never experience otherwise
Comments: Sorry its late
Chapter 1Chapter 2(
My dreams were dark and dry... )
Comments 17
Ruki sooo damn in-loooove~ xD so cute ...
But poor him. That fxcking woman, how dare she? Whats her problem anyways. jeeeeez!!!! she should die. lol
Awwwww pink phone~ ww i remembered Ruki using those pink phones. hahaha so cute to look at. :3
Oooohoho~ u always make me drool with your "Reita". XDDD even in HACKER. orz
Cant wait for the next chappy~ i wonder what Rei saw. Must be Ruki's goofy smile. *wiggles*
Yeah i know, some people are just like that *pats*
Ruki just definately needed a cute phone~~
Ah yes as a Reituki fanfic writer its my job to make Reita smexy *looks off* although he does that all by himself ahyways :D
I'll try to update faster this time :3 and hehe maybe...~
Yep! After this one i have another story lined up actually, I hope to start right up, but christmas may be due at that point but we'll see!~ :3
Oh i am feeling better, i drank so good tea :3 Thank you for reading!
and now Reita is going to school, so adorable. I want to know what he noticed though!!!
I hope you update soon!!
Hehehe, you'll definately know next chapter what he noticed~
I'll try and update soon Thank you for reading!
Aish this chapter has full blast reituki love man... And reita wtf is that you are wearing to school?! It ain't sone private school for rich brats ya know! XD but he's so lovable and adorable ... This is the reita ruki loves.
Next chapter.... is the last.... I can feel my tummy falling in depression
Hehe yesh~, and haha yesss, i just had to have make over time with Ruki~ it was a must and 'loveable and adoraable...this is the reita ruki loves' i couldnt have said it better myself ^-^
I'll have another story after that one :3 dont worry I need all the chapter i can get as an aspiring writer. THank you for reading!
It makes me little bit sad that this is gonna end soon, but I'm really looking forward to the last chapter! ♥
Haha all good things must end, I made this story smaller because it was suppoosed to be a side thing, that and i want to start my next one quickly coz im excited for it~ THank you for reading!
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