Title: The First [02 Beast]
Rating: PG13 for mentions of beating up old people.
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Character: Itsuki Marehiko
Author's Notes: No idea why I'm doing this. I'm trying to stay as canon as possible. Whichever. @@; This is the first letter, though, and Itsuki doesn't know who he's sending it to.
To whoever receives my letter.
First of all, I have to say I'm sorry. I'm sending this in an odd fashion, and I don't have a good way with words. I don't know you, and you don't know who I am. Maybe, if you reply, we'll get to know each other.
You might ask why I'm writing, though. Well, the reason for that... Actually, I'm not so sure, either. I said I didn't have a good way with words. Especially spoken. Doing this is actually making me nervous, so I'm sorry if I sound disjointed. I suppose I just need someone to listen to me. I'm not like the others in my team. They're all so... outspoken. They can talk about anything they want to, but I can't seem to do the same. They'll ask for my opinion sometimes, but I can't ever say exactly what I mean.
So I thought, maybe I could write it. Maybe someone would read it. Maybe you wold read it. Will you read it? I hope so.
A few months ago, my team went to the Junior High Tennis Nationals. We lost. But I'm not writing because I'm a sore loser. I'm writing because, well, it was because of how the other team played. It's not that their skills were awful. To be able to reach the net in one step, that's an amazing skill!
But it's not that. They... They used dirty tricks to win. They hurt Ojii! Ojii is our adviser. Our coach. He also made our racquets. He's an old man, and they hurt him. It was a deliberate move. They also tried to hurt Seigaku's coach. And they did the same to their own coach. They're so despicable, aren't they? For hurting older people...
My team hates them. I guess I should, too. In a way, I do. But... I really pity them. Hurting other people... That's not what tennis is all about. Do they enjoy doing what they did? I hope not. It's sad to think they do. It's sad to think that they did the same thing to all the other teams they played before they reached Nationals. I can't feel anything but pity for them. They didn't have an Ojii to help them enjoy the game, to guide them. They had no one to show them that winning isn't everything.
In the end, they lost. They still did their dirty tricks, but they lost. I guess that's what they deserve, for doing those kinds of tricks. They don't deserve the title of Nationals champion if they won it through dirty tricks and beating up old people. There's no sportsmanship in that.
But why were they doing it? Why did they do it? If they wanted to win so bad, why couldn't they have done it fair and square? They have the skills to be the best, why couldn't they have used those instead? They would have been amazing. I would have admired them. But they didn't. It's just so sad.
I'm sorry if I'm rambling aimlessly. I know I won't be able to tell this to anyone out loud. Especially not my team. Just as long as someone will be able to know how I feel is enough.
Thank you for reading this far. You may reply, if you want to, but I'm not expecting a reply. Being able to have written and sent this letter is fine enough for me. And if we meet by chance sometime soon, then by all means, please introduce yourself. Show me this letter, if you have to.
Again, thank you.
Itsuki Marehiko