Besides not posting, I haven't even been reading live journal. The thought process went something like this...oh, I don't have time to comment on anything, I better not even read it. Most everyone I've told that to, seems to think it a pretty lame excuse.
Looking back, I did get a lot accomplished over the last 4 months...
About the same time that
fyellin posted about Sudoku, (probably the last post I read,) I discovered it too. Not being a C Programmer, I set up an Excel worksheet (yes, I am an accountant) to keep track of my pencil marks. Doesn't solve it but it definitely helps. I have discovered a couple of useful sites on the internet as well. As far as I'm concerned the best site to play Sudoku is
WebSudoku and the most interesting solver site is
Sudoku Solver In mid-November, I selected ProSystem Document (it'll mean something to the accountants out there.) We have two offices and are constantly shuttling files back and forth. A good document management system should allow us to do this electronically and cut down on the paper that we use. The work we do is historically so paper intensive that this is a huge leap. The jury is out on how big an impact its going to have...but my sense, is that it will be huge!
About the same time we were beginning to get the hardware and infrastructure in place for the document management system, I finalized the purchase of an IP phone system. The agitation caused by replacing our 8 trunk lines with a PRI can't be understated. But the new system's been in for a while and still is getting glowing reviews. For those techies who want to know, it's Televantage by Vertical. It is an amazing system certainly compared to a 15 year old pbx. (Yeah, I expect that there'd be improvements in PBX's in that time but calling between offices is as seamless as calling down the hall - No big deal for those of you in big companies but for a small firm...its HUGE!)
Who know's where and if I'll ever be able to dance it...but the class is going well and its fun. Speaking of which, it's almost time to go sweep the garage for tonight's class.
If any of you are interested in more details, let me know. Needless to say, this is all exciting stuff for me but very worthy of LJ cuts.