me and kelsey, talking adn laughing of course.. ahhaha notice we are on the TUBE ;] hehe
we went swimming, off the bost.
me laughing REALLY hard at kelsey, and at myself.
Kelsey being a loser=] haha
us right after we got in, we were laughing cause kelsey liek fell in, it was not a graceful way we both got in, hhahaha.
just floating around,
kelsey obviously doesnt know how to work boogie boards, its the wrong way..
OKAY.. soo, i was freaking out cause Jellyfish were attacking me. I put my leg into one, and i got sting like crazzy. I was like about to cry. i started like screaming to get me out, my mom started freaking cause she didnt knwo what was going on really. The tub was flipped upside down ad chri was stuck underneath it but then he finally got it flipped back. Right before this i was saying how i wasnt scared of jelly fish.. hahaha. but these suckers were HUGE.
my father.. ilove this picture...
Me and Kelsey being COOOL..
this one was supposed to be a good one? hahaha
okay.. so i will need to explain this one.. people werent closing the door, and there was like a milllion flies in the house. we came up with this bright idea who catch them in cups. hahaha. we did this for awhile.. there were about 14 cups in total near the end of it.. it was pretty amusing.. we were suppose to get paid a dollar for each one.. buttt someone had to lie to us..
i still have way more pictures, adn way more details about today. Ballooon game was amazing. hahahaha OMG ITS GOING ITS GOING RUN RUN..!!!!!! oh myy, we are soo simple.
soo to sum up the day it was pretty amazing.
wel im offf=]