Jul 04, 2010 22:55
- 00:17 PISSED!! #UFC
- 00:24 Why why whyyyyy? Lesnar did not deserve to win. F*ing gi joe brute
- 19:13 just made an Ikea list....uh oh
- 22:21 Enjoying the traditional watching of it!
- 22:24 beyond excited to go to Ikea's been almost 2 years! I am ready to spend ALL my money and pretty things for my home.
Jul 03, 2010 22:55
- 21:40
- 22:23 Fights!! Can't wait to see carwin kick G.I.Joe's ass tonight!
- 22:24 Come on, george! Don't let douchebag get you!
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Jul 02, 2010 22:55
- 08:10 People are annoying.
- 10:34 Why are 25 year olds so annoying to me?
- 22:29 Buying a cord tomorrow for the Wii to connect to the internet...screw this wireless crap!
- 22:30 I even played the nerd card and entered the IP address and DNS server info and everything manually!
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Jul 01, 2010 22:55
- 15:13 My favorite person at work resigned today...I skipped through the halls bc the high-up people are screewwwwwed!
- 15:13 I hope I'm the next to go.
- 21:44 Soooo...I think Lea Michele has a better voice than Kristen Chenoweth. It's fuller.
- 21:53 Someone just dissed my alma mater on FB! NOT OK
- 22:00 I am seriously riled up over this! It's weird bc
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Jun 30, 2010 22:55
- 10:23 at least your name isn't Tony Anthony Hernandez
- 11:15 I wish I could have decided what I wanted to do with my life 10 years ago!
- 11:26 I like that I am already thinking about changing my major and I haven't even applied to Grad school yet...
- 14:16 out of green tea...noooooooooooo!
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Jun 29, 2010 22:55
- 09:37 smoothie and english muffin for breakfast an hour and a half ago....hungry again!
- 12:01 staarviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing! where are my lunch buddies? it is lunch time!!
- 19:22 Ugh...that is all.
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Jun 28, 2010 22:55
- 07:32 That 1 light the 1 over my desk
- 11:10 it's the kind of day at work where I cannot press my headphones against my ears hard enough
- 11:13 I used to be friends with this girl at work but now she annoys the piss out of me. Like right now...she is swooping to the fake rescue...
- 11:13 It's not really a big deal but she is
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Jun 25, 2010 22:55
- 08:37 this coffee is awful...balls!
- 09:26 My deposit total for this week is more than my yearly salary...yet substantially less than everyone else's salaries. Need a new job.
- 10:59 I haz sillybandz...they were a gift haha. Got 2 cowboy boots and 2 buckin' broncos
- 12:25 Pandora, it's been a while. Thanks for being nice to me today.
- 14:20 bought
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Jun 24, 2010 22:55
- 10:52 Name of the day: Richard Woodcox
- 14:08 free cookies!!!
- 14:22 my desk is a is my brain -- I almost set an application in my recycle bin instead of on my desk.
- 14:22 My water spilled all over my bag this morning so my bag and contents have been draped about to dry & then I have like 5 drinks everywhere
- 14:35 Almost finished with The
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