I Got Tagged By
cherry_kiss_8 . So Here it is!
1.Make a list of 5 things that you can see without getting up.
Hand Sanitizer
Box Of Tissues
2. How do you style your hair?
With me it is always down or in a ponytail, or a bun. Nothing else.
3. What are you wearing now?
Black scrubs and black clogs
4. What's your occupation?
I work in a sleep laboratory scheduling the patients. I verify healthcare benefits, yes boring!!!!
5. What do you hear right now?
My sister is watching a bollywood movie, the phone ringing, and my co-worker is listening to Kid Cudi Day N Nite!
6. Who was the last person you hugged?
I hugged a co-worker who is going through a rough time.
7. What is/was for dinner?
I have no idea it is barely 3pm right now.
8. What did you do today?
Drop my mother's car off at the mechanic's and I am currently still at work.
9. Dog person or cat person?
Both. I love both. I have 2 cats. Meow Meow and Boo Boo.
10. If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?
Probabbly to Rose or Roslyn or Jocelyn. I like names with lyn. Yeah weird!
11. What was the last thing that you bought?
A Pepsi.
12. If you could afford to go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Defintely Spain! Someday I'll make it there!
13. What is one thing you would change about yourself?
My sensitivity.
14. Favorite book?
Nothing sticks out in my memory.
15. What are you doing this weekend?
I will be doing laundry and cleaning and going to church.
16. If you could play any musical instrument, which one would you play?
The piano, the guitar, or violin. I tried the violin for a couple of classes and it was no surprise to me to find out that I was indeed horrible at it!
17. How are you?
I am doing better than yesterday that's for sure! Yesterday I was moping around for no apparent reaseon, so yeah much better today!
18. What are you doing tomorrow?
I am working, of course and not much else.
19. What are you looking forward to the most?
Getting home tonight and burying myself in my bed!!!!
I will not tag anybody just feel free to do it!