Title: Summer Days - Day 2
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, H/C
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Warnings: Mentions of: Drug use
Word Count: ~ 4000
Disclaimer: The events described in this story are purely fictional.
A/N: Sequel to
A Summer Day and
Summer Days - Day 1 Summary: Jensen's first day in the hospital.
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Comments 97
The devastating effects of the drug in a person .. Sad, very sad but so real ..
And what about Jared? The man most generously devoted and loving Jensen is so damn lucky have by. Jensen that requires so much attention, care and love ..
I am really delighted with your verse ..
Congratulations! And thank you for sharing it.. Brazilian hugs..
P.S. >> Sorry for any grammatical erros, but first, English isn't my first language, and second, I had no sleep last night, I'm up by almost 30 hours already, so sorry if I can't think about grammatical rules *lol*
PS: Don't worry about your grammar, I know what it's like writing sleep deprived ;)
beautiful work, as usual
Thank you :D
It's my pleasure and I'll do my best to post more asap.
His heart ‘s not the best, but it’s the one that beats for Jared. He doesn’t wanna replace that.
He allows himself one more moment of dreaming about the future. Then with a sigh he shuts the window again. Freezes the dancing rays of sunlight as the curtains die.
It hurts and bittersweet and so so UNFAIR but I'm holding out for the boys. Hope's the last to die, right?
Thanks for another beautifully done chapter, hun ;)! Oh, and that little part about the mp3 and the glasses totally warms my heart. And the snuggling <3
Yes, hope's definitely the last to die :)
Of course I say this, and meanwhile I'm desperately hoping for a happy outcome lol. Well, either way you have a dedicated reader in me. Kudos!
True, sometimes life ain't happy, and I'll continue to do my best to keep it as realistic as possible, but that doesn't mean the characters can't have some good times in the future, too, right? ;)
Thank you, I'm glad to hear you'll stick with it, I'll do my best not to disappoint!
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