Title: Where Happiness Lives
Author: Redsirenfiction
Fandom: CWRPS (J2)
Schmoop: Blackout
Prompt: Spooning
Medium: Fic
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: Will rot your teeth.
Summary: It's mornings like this where his happiness lives. |
Word Count: 1282
Vancouver summers are something of a travesty most years. Rain-soaked and resembling something out of a desperate poem, they're hardly the things catchy Beach Boys tunes are made out of.
This year, though? This year, there's been more sun on the west coast than it's seen in the last 24 months combined.
It filters in through the gauzy curtains Jared's sister insisted they get; She took one look at their forest-filled back yard, nearly had an apoplexy at how 'Twilight' it was, and then promptly drove them to Ikea for new furniture and the most sheer-from-the-inside, opaque-from-the-outside curtains the store had to offer. Jensen bitched about them at first, having never been one for early morning sun, and claiming that the lack of something heavy to block out the rays would make his already-poor vision, worse. When the sun came through at just the right angle one morning however, he silently recanted and never so much as mentioned them in a disparaging tone again.
A few weeks later, Jared realized why his other half had gone quiet about the curtains; He'd managed to wake early on one of their days off and once the blur seeped out of his vision, was greeted by one of the most serene and beautiful sights he'd ever been privy to. Jensen lay on his stomach, face turned towards the sun, every muscle slack and smooth. His freckles made soft curves over his nose and cheeks, across his shoulder blades, fading out into dancing little patterns when they reached his biceps. He drew soft puffs of air from parted lips, and every once in a while, a little spark of his facial muscles would foretell of the full smile Jared would be lucky enough to see time and again once Jensen woke up.
After their discovery, each man secretly admitted to themselves that the curtains-along with the ultra comfortable mattress and always-cool sheets-were the best part of their bedroom; They'd yet to confess it to the other, but some mornings...Some mornings, it was shared in an unspoken glance through sleepy gazes and lazy smiles.
On this particularly sunny Vancouver morning, Jared is the first to wake. For a brief moment, he's tempted to get up and start in on his routine of filing the dogs out for a morning run, coming back, making breakfast, and then chilling in front of the TV until Jensen gets up. All it takes is a gaze down at his own arms however, and the notion of doing anything other than holding his fiance close flies out the window.
Jensen is sleep warm and practically cocooned in Jared's arms. His face highlighted by the incoming sunbeams, he looks almost cherubic in his serenity. The plush lips most women would pay good money for rest on Jared's forearm, occasionally moving in a way all too similar to a kiss and Jared knows Jensen's having a good dream.
Tipping his face down, he nuzzles gently into the soft, heated skin of Jensen's neck, pressing little kisses to the smooth expanse and murmuring stupid, girly things he'd get laughed at for saying in front of their friends. Jensen takes a deep breath and stretches a bit before leaning back, almost as though he wants to slip further into his lover's embrace.
“Morning.” Jared whispers, eyes crinkling as he watches Jensen fuss a little and then settle back in, his lover wordlessly telling him he doesn't mind being woken up by pressing a full-fledged kiss onto his Jared's forearm.
He waits for it. Holds his breath.
“Morning. Love you.” It's the same sincere, gentle greeting he gets every morning and it never fails to swell his heart and calm his mind; Jared feels that fantastic weakness run through his limbs and he snuggles back in, kissing Jensen's cheek tenderly.
“Love you too, short stack.”
“I'm gonna short stack your mom next time she comes over. Actually, I'm gonna short stack Marty for calling this house at three in the morning just to tell us we have the damn day off. Can't a man make love to his husband in peace?” He huffs, and Jared can't help but laugh, still trying to understand whether the 'short stack' is a sexual move or a kick to the jewels.
He goes with both, seeing as how kicking his mother in the jewels doesn't make a whole lot of sense since she has none. His brain might not be awake enough to figure these types of things out though, so he gives up after another second and goes back to curling around Jensen, threading their legs together so they become a human pretzel.
“Last night was good.” He murmurs into Jensen's ear, remembering vividly the languid pace, the deep kisses, the way the porch lights made everything just bright enough.
“We need more nights like last night.” Jensen agrees, sliding one hand on top of Jared's and then guiding it down his chest and then back up under the sheets that cover most of his torso.
Nodding his own agreement, Jared stretches out behind Jensen with a growl, eyes squeezing shut as he resumes his original position, his sleep-fogged brain hopping onto the next thought as quick as it had landed on the one before it.
“Do we always end up like this?” He asks, making a sweeping motion over both of them with the hand that's not pinned under Jensen's head, Jared watching his fiance for any non-verbal clues.
“I think so. Either that or you end up being a pillow. It's nice, waking all tangled up with you. I'm never cold and you're never hot. Guess we balance each other out that way.” As though proving how nice it is, he shuffles a little, as though he's trying to get comfortable in a chair; Tipping his face up, Jensen kisses just under Jared's chin softly, nuzzling his boyfriend's morning stubble after.
“It is nice. Wouldn't...Wouldn't trade it for the world.” Jared slowly tucks his chin, making sure that Jensen can see his eyes before he leans in for the slowest, sweetest kiss of the day. Combined with their spooning, it's the one other action Jared's memory will retain and recall throughout the day, no matter how boring the events of the next twelve hours are.
“Don't sleep nearly as well when you aren't wrapped up behind me, holding me in like I'm gonna fall off the bed or something.” Jensen adds, grinning against Jared's lips until the strain of his neck makes him relinquish the touch and settle back into the solid wall of Jared's chest.
“Well lucky for you, your husband likes keeping you close all night.” Jared murmurs, pressing a flurry of tender kisses to every last inch of skin he can reach.
Jensen sobers and looks up, head resting on Jared's pinned shoulder.
“We're getting married.”
"We are. Two weeks."
Jensen goes silent, hugging the arm that's wrapped around him tightly, eyes closing as he presses kiss upon kiss to the skin under his lips. Jared squeezes him tightly, knowing full well what's going through his other half's head. It hasn't been an easy road for them, but here, in their sanctuary, in the one place where it's just the two of them, they forget about the rest of the world and see their relationship for what it is. Two hearts beating as one in the strongest, most love-filled rhythm in the world.
Jared smiles, curls up and let sleep take him slowly. It's these moments where he knows his happiness, his life, his heart lives. It's there, right in front of him, sunken into his arms and melding into his body.