Apr 05, 2005 21:32
“What’s a hamper?” I ask in fifth grade.
“I don’t know,” says my grandmother, “but ‘to hamper’ something is to impede its progress.”
I mull this over. It makes no sense. My friends put their dirty laundry in something to impede their progress?
Apr 05, 2005 16:36
-what is the(my) dis connect
-somewhere in the space between you/i them/me myself/myself there is something
-what is my place?i need to accept it already
-tea isn't enough
-simple things
-my lips are (always) sealed
you don't/i don't know (me) anything
Mar 15, 2005 20:37
-i'm supposed to be writing an essay (it's on bjork!)
-latly my mood has been up and down: extremes
-i am sure i'd be prescribed something if i went for a diagnosis
-my dad is a doctor
-not my psychiatrist..
can you imagine
-finally saw garden state
-so good
-& the notebook..which was super-lame
-i feel like dancing