Day 6: If you could bring one character to life from your favorite book, who would it be?
Hmm this is a hard one. but I think I'm going to have to choose someone from Harry Potter. I've read those books so many times, and they are by far my favorite books to read. The problem is then choosing just one character. Do I choose Harry? because his life is by far the most detailed in the book. Or do I choose a character who is less well known. I love to hate Harry. Hagrid? His accent would probably drive me crazy. Maybe McGonagall. She's pretty bad ass and can do some serious magic. I feel like we're pretty similar because I lot of times people tell me I need to relax a little, and I feel like she's pretty similar. She likes rules and I like to follow rules. So I've decided it would me McGonagall. She is my favorite professor, although I love Dumbledore and Hagrid. McGonagall also can transfigure some pretty awesome stuff, and she can turn into a cat. Maybe she could teach me how to be an animagus. That would be pretty ballin'. Although Lupin was also pretty cool, but he died, and he was a warewolf...Yup. McGonagall.
PS 3 days 7 hrs and 11 minutes until Harry Potter at midnight on November 19th for DH part 1!!!!