Title: Destiny Star
Author: Zippit
Fandom: Star Trek Reboot
Character(s): Girl!Kirk
Challenge: Planet for
star_trek100Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Completed: August 14, 2009
Disclaimer: The characters portrayed within are not mine. They belong to the actors, producers, writers, and corporate entities that own them. I mean no disrespect and have no intentions of making a profit. This is merely a loving response to the original work.
Author’s Note: This fandom is awesome in so many ways.
Summary: In the stars lie her destiny.
Destiny Star
The swirl of space echoes outside her viewport and beckons her like the father's embrace she never knew. Five year mission into the depths of space, Bones along for the ride, a crew she's not sure she can lead. The spiral of her life wasn't supposed to lead her to the stars.
Neither her father or mother's daughter, she'd rebelled against space instead delighted in conquering Iowa's boredom. Planetside was supposed to be her middle name until a starship landed outside of town, tossed down a gauntlet she couldn't resist. She'd finally found her place: in the stars.
Destiny calls.