-I went with Josh to his office's poker game last night. I did pretty well until we switched tables after the break, and then I was out in like, five hands. I was dominating my original table up to that point. I'm finding I rather like poker. (Hey, it's a trolley! And I'm late for it!) On the upside, now I finally know what I'd do if I ever went to
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Comments 6
I really, really hope this gets fixed soon.
For comparisons' sake, I looked at Gatwick Airport just outside of London (I've flown in and out of Gatwick on one of my trips). They've got a pamphlet on their website detailing the new technology and reassuring passengers that those viewing the images have had thorough background checks including offenses involving children.
I really hope this gets sorted soon because pretty much people are in a no win situation; it's all bad.
I'm also extremely worried about how potential pat-downs might emotionally affect my kids. My son has a tendency to scream and lash out when he feels threatened, and my daughter cries. I feel the radiation would be unsafe, and the pat-downs would be traumatic.
I also wonder how many people are going to suffer from breakdowns, heart attacks, or fainting from the overwhelming amount of stress the TSA is now putting on people.
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