I'm going to start this letter by telling you how much I love you. I love you so very much. I'm still holding onto what little faith I have that you'll recover but as of late that has started to dwindle. I can't go on thinking that things will be all right.
I spoke to Aunt Amy shortly before I started writing this and she shed some light on a few more things. I know that you've contacted Jim and told him where you are. My only question is why? Why do you feel you need him in your life? Look at how much pain and suffering he's caused our family. Look at how the happiness that he's torn away from us. The happiness that you have torn away from us. More then anything I wish we could turn back the hands of time and you would have listened to us when we told you that he was no good. Jesus Mom, why? I can't go on believing that you'll recover if he ramains in your life. He's destroyed you. I don't even know you anymore.
How can you honestly believe that a man loves you when he asks you to sell your body to feed the monster within? Fucking hell...just thinking about that makes my skin crawl. And yes, I know you were prostituting yourself for crack. I'm completel disgusted over it. How the hell could you bring yourself to do that? I, personally would rather open my veins then do that.
Do you know what's worse then crying? Not being able to cry at all. Even as I write this and feel all this emotion unfurling inside of me, my eyes are dry. I can't shed a tear. I've shed to many already.
There is an ugly feeling inside of me that believes that you'll choose Jim over us. Please Mom, I'm begging you...choose us. We love you and we'll keep you safe. Are you prepared to give up your family and children for a blind love? If you are then please tell me now so that I may move on from the pain and bitterness. I feel like lesser of a person because of those feelings. People have to make sacrifices. Maybe Jim should be your sacrifice. Please don't give us up Mom. We love you too much. If you never do anything that I ask you again then do this for me. Leave James Sowinski and come back to us.
I love you so very much. You're the only mother that I have and I still need you. I still have so much to learn and Joe does as well. I want you to be there when I get married and next to me when I have babies to coach and guide me through it. I want my children to have their grandmother to spoil them and love them. I want my nieces/nephews to have you in their lives. Please, don't leave us this way. We need you! Our lives will never be complete without you. Your job as a mother doesn't end when we turn eighteen. We still need to look to you for love and support and guidance. Yes I am asking you to choose between us and Jim. Call me selfish because I am being selfish. Its only because I love and need you so much.
PLEASE!!! Don't leave us alone! I'm begging you.
Love always and forever your daugther,
P.S. The love we have for you comes from the deepest part of our hearts. Please don't break them any further.