Do you run LotDebugger honey? From MATY? I think its worth a shot -- clearing out gossip history (Red taught me that one) and a few other housekeepers might fix stuff to playability. TOTALLY saved my Cullens 'hood...
AND YES IT IS OVER FOR YOU!! I am sorry it was such a trial! *clings* YOU DID GOOD!! :D
The kids definitely turned out interesting looking... I think Dilos would prolly look mighty attractive with some facial hairs xD
OoooOooh ps!! could you advertise the heir poll in thesims2 community for me, please? I advertised the recent Kohler-Wielle only a few days ago so I can't put a post up there about the poll ^_^ *huggles*
I just caught up and i think i want Cherlyn to be the next heir. I just Friended you so i can read your posts on my friends page so i hope you friend me too.
I voted for Dilos...cause I like his name! And he's got the looks for the popularity/romance bit! Plus, I just love how he reminds me of his Grandpa Perth!
But I think you can connect your laptop to another computer with an USB cable? Then you can grab the files and then reformat the laptop. I think it works this way, I haven't tried it with my laptop yet ;P
Comments 9
AND YES IT IS OVER FOR YOU!! I am sorry it was such a trial! *clings* YOU DID GOOD!! :D
The kids definitely turned out interesting looking... I think Dilos would prolly look mighty attractive with some facial hairs xD
Facial hairs FTW! I need to find me some sparkly ones :D
*avidly waits to see who wins*
Fortune + Family has got to be hellish. I mean, seriously, how can you expect to keep any savings aside when you have kids?!?!
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