Title: The Ash amongst the Stars
Genre: Historical, Angst, Violence, Smut, Fluff, AU
Pairing: Pin
Rating: NC-17
Summary: In a place where love is seen as the ultimate weakness and honour is worth more than life itself, a treacherous assassin returns to claim a young warrior as his own. With the stench of death surrounding them and their history
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Comments 36
Thank you for sharing!!
I'm glad that you liked the first part. I like the Samurai era too, and it's fun to try and recreate!
I'm working on the next chapter, it'll hopefully be up within the next few days!
Thanks for reading and commenting! ^_^
I'm working on the next chapter and it should be up within the next few days.
Thank you for reading and commenting!
and I can't wait to see how this will evolve!!
There's not much AU Pin fics, so I will be sure to follow this one :)
Thank you for sharing!
It's awhile since I've written any fic, so I'm hoping that this will get better as get back into the flow of writing! Wish me luck! ;)
I like writing and reading AU. It's a shame that there aren't more AU Pin fics around.
Thank you reading and commenting!
i love it!!! i said from your previous post that i guess i'll stalk to your journal... and guess what? i'm really think that i should stalk your journal! hahaha!!(evil laugh) your fic is worth to stalk!!!
wait for next chappie!!!
You like it? I'm so glad! Haha and you're welcome to stalk my journal ;D I'll try to provide you with an update soon.
Thanks for reading and commenting!
I wonder was Jin being a spy all the time he was with Pi.
I cannot wait to read the next chapter.
I'll reveal some of Jin's secrets soon.
I'm glad that you liked this, and I'll try to provide you with another chapter soon!
Thanks for reading and commenting!
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