Today Angie was taking her time going outside to go poo. She ran down to the basement (where Buddy's hooded litter box is) and tryed to get in it. When she found she could only get her head in the door, she pooed right outside the box. HAHA silly pitbull
My friend Richelle had her baby yest 10/20/06 at 7:06am. Chandra was born 7 weeks and 2 days early. Shes 3 lb 14oz 16 in and a full head of hair. She is very hearthy. Thank Brighid! And as cute as can been
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That was the best show I have been to in a very very long time. Now Im just mad at myself for waiting to go see them till now. Funny how my weekend started off like this...
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For some reason my setting on LJ were set so non friends couldnt post to my LJ to let me know they wanted to freind me. I fixed it so now anyone can post to anything that isnt friends only.