Sorry, I heard that the other day and have been dying to use it ever since and being that I have something pretty ridiculous to talk about I think it'll work.
Has anyone ever had one of those co-workers who never shows up but, inconceivably, just does not get fired? Cuz I do...
The me-level person in one of the other departments never shows up. She has to have blown through all her sick days by now because we don't get many. When she does show up, she takes long lunches or leaves in the middle of the day for various doctor/dentist appointments, to run to the gym across the way, or on mysterious assignments for her manager who is out of town a lot but who doesn't do anything that should require her to run out. Currently, we have a summer program running where you can work through lunch Mon-Thurs and leave at 12 on Friday and she left today. How, I do not know, because she was out Mon-Wed. I can only assume it is because her manager does not actually see her come and go since he tends to be gone.
Now, admittedly I am a bit of a complainer. But in this situation, her entire department is annoyed by it because she always leaves during the busy times of the day and she takes off during the busy times of the month with no notice and other people constantly have to pick up the slack. My work-best-friend was ready to cut her today when she went to ask her for a print-out of a Q1vQ2 report she was supposed to have done only to see that she was not there and, thus, would have to wait til Monday to get the report and finish her own work.
On to more interesting things. I met a guy at my friend's hasty wedding rehearsal dinner this evening. He's the bitchy bride's very sexy cousin who grew up not too far from where my Dad did and, thus, go stuck next to me. He speaks Portuguese and I spent my evening making him say things and poorly covering my giggly lust by going "oh, well in Italian it goes..." or "oh, well in my awful French it is..." I love Portuguese because of my funny kindergarten boyfriend Ernesto (who moved to FL, that twat!). It is easily the sexiest language going. And he was pretty funny and quite nice and handsome as well so that made it even better.
I shouldn't say the Reno 911 thing is apropos of nothing, because that is what we talked about since I was watching it just before dinner. We both love it, but we agree the old cast was better than the new. He also loves the movie, something that I only really think was ok. We also talked about food a lot, and about how I love to stuff myself full of bread (which I did, it was tasty). I gave him my number, I hope he calls sooner rather than later since I have to leave mid-Aug for DC and I'd like to get in enough of a relationship to fuck him a few times while he whispers sexy Portuguese things in my ear.
OMG, speaking of DC, my school loan came through! Holla!
All in all, this evening was a huge success.