I need some good things to happen. Too many stresses happening lately.
To continue from my last update - we left off with me about to go to my Mom's birthday party.
Well, I got picked up and we headed for my sister's place. Mom was trying to figure out why Pat wanted us there early and was hoping that my brother had managed to make it down. Apparently he said something the last time they talked on the phone which made her suspect he was planning to come. Well, I didn't want her hopes to be too high so I said Pat probably just wanted her there early to get settled in before everyone arrived.
But, it turned out that my brother was there. With his entire family - wife, son, daughter, and son's girlfriend. He and Pat had been planning it since Christmas.
So, they had seven months to think about inviting me and Mouse and didn't. Nice to know.
None of the other guests were family. Mom's boyfriend's daughters were there and some old friends of the family. No one that I really knew. So I spent some time out back while Mom was there then when she and Bud went for a walk i went inside and started talking with my sister-in-law. She, at least, seemed happy to see and talk with me. My brother was tending to the barbecue and didn't even ask me to come over and talk with him.
I got asked if I knew where our other sister was moving to and told them she hadn't told me. They all made disparaging remarks. Pat asked once about Mouse, no one asked about Carvis. Not unexpected but it still wasn't pleasant.
Yeah, not one of my fun days. Although Mom did like the basket I crocheted for her.
So, anyway, a couple of days later I got an email from my other sister asking about the party. Last thing I wanted was more fuel thrown on the flames so I never mentioned our brother and his family being there. Nancy asked if Mom's sister or brother had shown up and I said no. Apparently Mom isn't talking to her sister either. Whether or not it's over the same issue or not I have no idea and didn't ask.
I gave both my sister-in-law and Pat my current email address and still haven't received an email from either one. Guess that answered the question of whether or not either one would bother.
Anyway, my sister Nancy asked if I wanted the food leftover at her place so I said yes. We could always use it and if it ended up being something we didn't like, we have Carvis's family that will probably take it. As it is, we like most of it but have to give over some to his parents. Nancy had stocked up on 5 tubs (3 lb each) of margarine. I don't have the space in my freezer for all of them. There were also some cans of pea soup but Carvis's niece likes that. A couple of open bottles we'll probably throw out - olive oil mayonnaise yuck. But there were a couple of chickens, some pork chops, and a roast too. Not that we needed more chicken but that's okay.
Had some drama with the realtor, property management people, and our landlord. The realtor had come to show the upstairs when I was getting ready to head out but hadn't said anything to us beforehand nor showed when i went out. Instead, he closed the door to the upper unit when I walked out of the house. After I had been gone, about a half hour or so Mouse said, he knocked on the door and asked to show the place. Mouse said no and closed the door on him. So we got a call a short time later stating they were going to be showing the place the next day at 1:30 and wanted our permission to enter. I had left at 1:45 so that certainly wasn't 24 hours notice.
By the time I got home later that day, I was in a lousy mood because of how my trip out had gone and wasn't in the mood to have people traipsing through. So I sent an email to the realtor declining permission and stating that we would prefer at least 24 hours notice. Well, he called and Carvis got the phone. The realtor told him we couldn't refuse to let them show the place and Carvis said they could come in but we were not going to be gone.
Then the property management people got involved and they had heard from the realtor that we were planning on moving. Carvis had told one or two that when we moved we'd be repairing teh damage done by the cats but we hadn't given our notice. Also we were looking at how much it would cost us to move and the property management people were upset because we are on a yearly lease and can't move until the end of next Aug since we have to give 3 months notice which means it would have to have been given by June 1st. They told the landlord and he called to find out what was going on. He also told Carvis we couldn't move as we were under contract.
Carvis tried explaining that we thought we had signed a one year lease and switched to a month-to-month lease but that we were only looking because of not knowing what would happen with new owners. We thought he had gotten through to the owner/landlord the realization that we weren't giving our notice, only checking on what our rights are with the sale.
Mouse, in the meantime, contacted the rental board and told them what was going on and asked some questions. She also sent over a copy of the lease to me and yes, we are on a year to year lease. No problem. I checked the NB rental board's website and checked what it says. So some good news for us. We can request a transfer of the damage deposit so that helps. Also the new owners will still be bound by the lease so that's better. If they do decide to charge more for the rent they have to give us 3 months notice and that gives us the chance to say we don't agree with the rental increase and put in our notice to leave regardless of the lease's end date. We just have to put in our notice for the day before the date the rent increase takes place.
The other thing we discover is that since we are not in the final month of tenancy, we can demand a written request to show the place be given with enough time for us to respond prior to 24 hours of the time of showing. We also have the right to refuse admittance even with proper notice. If we were in the last month we can't refuse but since we aren't...
So, we figure things are straightened out. We tell the property management people and the landlord we're okay with staying until next year even though Carvis had gotten upset enough before to tell the property management person that she could consider us having given notice for next Aug. Today, I head off for my CT scan.
The stuff I have to drink for my CT scan always upsets my stomach. Plus i can't eat before the test so by the time I get out I'm feeling pretty tired, hungry, and overall just crappy. All I want to do is get home and relax.
I walk in to find out that the property management people had called and said that the owner had agreed that if we want to leave on Sept 1st we can.
Two weeks to find a place and move? Not bloody likely. Carvis called them back and left a message stating that we were happy to abide by the contract. We haven't heard back from them.
The suspicious part of this is the fact that during the conversations last week, they told us to put in a request for maintenance through their website if we had things that needed to be fixed. So I did but had to wait through the weekend for a response.Monday, we got an email back stating the maintenance man was on vacation until Wednesday. Which was today. I put in a list of 12 items that need to be fixed/repaired or renovated. Which makes us wonder if they figure it would be cheaper to get rid of us instead of fixing all the issues.
Either way, we won't accept having two weeks to find someplace. We can play their game. If they want to evict us they have to give us 3 months notice. If they want to change the contract to a month-to-month one they still have to give us 2-3 months notice of any rent increase. They can't offer to change us to a month-to-month with an immediate rent increase.
The other good news is that the email they sent back about their maintenance man being on vacation including our maintenance request with all 12 items listed. So we have proof of the issues that were in existence that we asked to have fixed. They can't make a claim against our damage deposit for those items.
So a crappy start to my day followed by more stress about our future here followed by more family drama.
Mom called and after asking how I was asked if "that sister of mine" was gone. Not Nancy, not her daughter, that sister of mine. Gee Mom, think you can be any more petty? Then she made a comment about her (Nancy) being on her way to Kingston. i said I didn't know where she was headed. Because I don't. But I got the implication - Mom (and probably Pat) thinks I know but won't say. Well, she asked me not to tell Nancy that she and Bud had moved. Which I haven't but only because I don't want the drama.
My family (not Carvis and Mouse) is composed of petty, vindictive children. And I am refusing to be that way.
Now I'm expecting there to come a time when Mom asks me to take sides. I don't think she's going to like my answer, no matter how politely I put it. But I won't take sides.
I wonder what more is waiting to drop on us tomorrow.