stolen from Steffi :)

May 03, 2004 00:00

~Okay first comes firsts~
Full name: heidi higgins
Age: 19
Birthday: june 27, 1984 (6/27/84)
Where were you born: Mannheim, Baden Wurtemborg, Deutchland
Where do you reside now: with my Grandma Higgins
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Chinese Sign: rat
Color of Hair: brownish-blondish
Color of Eyes: blue
Tattoos: none
Piercings: ears (right gauged size 8)
Style: black band t-shirts and baggy jeans
Birthmarks: just strange moles
Any odd things about your appearance: uhm...nothing.

~Favorites, of course!~
Color?: red/black
Animal?: wolf
Book?: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Flower?: roses
Actor?: johnny depp
Actress?: Ingrid Bergman
Porn Star?: myself
Website?: Homestarrunner, Livejournal, Verizon Wireless
Band?: Pink Floyd
Singer?: MCA, Mike D., King Adrock,
Sport?: football (american)
Sports Team?: New England Patriots, San Francisco 49ers, Kansas City Royals, Pittsburg Penguins, Kansas City Chiefs...and a few others
Pasttime?: movies, reading and television
Board Game?: Monopoly
Computer Game?: Wolfenstien...the original
Song?: changes...but I would have to say... "Welcome to the Machine" tonight.
Movie?: oh man...there are so many. "Gettysburg", "Casablanca", "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", "My Fair lady", anything with James Bond, "Touch of Evil", and a few others...
TV Show?: Fushigi Yuugi, Wolf's Rain, Record of Lodoss War: Chronicles of a Heroic Knight
Reality Show?: well it was American Idol Season 2, but I don't have a particular favorite at this moment
Friend?: ...truthfully, I don't feel as I have one.
Holiday?: Halloween
Season?: fall
Day of the Week?: Friday
Drink?: Mountain Dew
Food?: potatoes...any way imaginable
Candy?: M&M's
Car?: anything with wheels that moves
Store?: uhm..well it used to be Hot Topic, but I don't feel that it caters to all my needs now. I particularly enjoy now...hehe
Article of Clothing?: my glasses
Class?: summer
Teacher?: Mrs. Dittmar-5th grade
Way of Transportation?: car or motorcycle
State/Province?: Colorado-steven's there. J/k.'s in the middle of just about everything
Past President?: Lincoln

~Pick one, for the love of Pete!~
Coke/Pepsi: pepsi
Canada/USA: usa
Vanilla/Chocolate: chocolate
Paint/Adobe: adobe
Cars/Trucks: trucks
Snowmobiles/Dirt Bikes: dirt bikes
Tent/Trailer: tent trailer...
TV/Computer: computer
Black/Blue: black
Tiger/Lion: tiger
Dolphins/Whales: dolphin
Work/Studying: studying
Cheerleading/Dance: dance
3 Doors Down/Incubus: 3 doors down
Contacts/Glasses: glasses
AFI/Rancid: Rancid
Pen/Pencil: pen
Crayon/Felt Pens: crayon
Barbie/My Little Pony: my little pony
Anime/Cartoons: anime is a type of cartoon...but anime
Blonde/Brown: anything that steven likes lol (but blonde...)

~Oh so random~
Is it Backpack or Knapsack?: backpack
Chicken for dippin?: the fu...
Why are you named your name?: because I was my moms "little german baby" and I was supposed to be born in Heidlburg
What are you going to do after finishing this?: die
What have you always wanted to be?: a lawyer
How are you going to go about that?: school
Do you want a tattoo? Or another one? yeah...
What would it be like?: im scared of needles
Would you rather piss your pants laughing? Or throw up while drunk? neither. plain sick if you ask me.
What are you getting people for Christmas?: I'm not getting anyone anythign.
Do you like 80's rock?: hell yeah
How about 80's rap?: depends. is it rap or wrap? *grins*
What are you wearing today?: Jnco's that have been changed into sorta shorts and an RBF shirt
What's for lunch?: I didn't have lunch.
How many people on your aim: 176
What is your room like?: I don't have a room. I live in a basement that my dad once lived in..
Whats your locker combination?: i just put in a quarter and take out the key
Whats your S/N on any of those things listed above?: imatree627, redweasel18, rosedragon627, problemwithself, rosessuck3
Are your friends nice?: no
Are your friends druggies?: many are
Are you a druggie?: not anymore i have to say...

~Randomness upon randomness~
What would you do if a 3 foot blimp knocked you over?: i probably deserved it and would do nothing
Do you snowmobile?: never have
Do you love cowboys/cowgirls?: Only if I can talk about them to Erin. I MISS MY ERIN!
Tell me something. Make it interesting.: I'm all alone and out of porn to watch.
Alright now complain like no otherbrother: I hate this.
Whats your most overused phrase?: aww shit
How about word?: lol
Do you get along with your parents?: as long as im not living with them
Are your parents divorced?: no
Best toilet cleaner brand?: ajax?
Meh: reminds me of Justin Guiliani "its like a puppy"
Do you love me?: i don't know you
You know you do.: screw off

Who was your first girlfriend/boyfriend?: Josh in 6th grade or Mike Pierre-sophomore year
Do you believe in love?: yes
Have you ever really loved someone?: yes
Have you told someone you loved them but never did?: sadly yes...its one of those dark secrets that you regret
Do you believe in soulmates?: i met mine once
How about fate?: yes
Are you in love right now?: i just might be...
Do you have a crush?: *blush*
Whats their name?: Steven
I hope they're nice.: too nice, sometimes I feel as if I could never deserve someone who is so nice.
Are they good looking?: yes. so hot...they turn me on when I walk into a room
Does everybody want them also?: uh huh!
Why do you like them so much?: we have a lot of the same likes, but yet enough differences to keep it interesting, plus he has no qualities that I have to train out of him *winks*
Do you know alot about them?: i know enough
Do they ever talk to you?: if I am a good girl
Are you their friend already?: yes
I should go now. I'll see ya.: fine be that way crappy quiz maker
Remember to love me.: never

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