Title: Semi-automatic
Word Count: 1,642
Summary: Based on
this prompt: Robin is forced to fellate a gun.
a/n: That prompt thread also includes a wonderful art fill by
ailea! Check her out. She's cool. Warnings: Gunplay, noncon fellatio, allusions to trauma.
He knows how to measure and take risks and come out okay. )
Comments 7
And while I don't entirely agree with your assessment of the team's reaction, I can respect your opinion -- I'm all for applicability and freedom to interpret and criticize. My personal justification ranges from factors such as them staying aware of the fact that they were on the job and shouldn't overact, to not wanting to make Robin uncomfortable with their reactions, to wishful thinking/denial that Robin really was okay because he's the veteran...the list goes on to why I feel the reactions showed were in character and at an appropriate level. But! Again, your opinion is heard and considered and a different take from what I thought and I can totally see where you're coming from.
WHY IS THIS REPLY SO LONG? Anyway, seriously, this was an awesome ( ... )
And thanks for not being offended that I had a different opinion at all - honestly, I only ever bother trying to critique when I think the writer/piece are worth it because other people won't be able to take it and evaluate it for whatever it might be worth and grow from it. Definitely agree on all your reasons and that's definitely the interesting part of fic, seeing other people's interpretations of the same events and characters ♥
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