Title: Shine on the world Pairing: Akame Rating: NC-17 Summary: They’ve spent many Christmases together, and Kame wants to hold onto the hope that this won’t be the last.
Thank you for reading and commenting!! ♥ I'm glad you enjoyed it~ ♥ And that you liked Kame, haha. I really liked writing him in this so I'm glad you enjoyed the way he turned out. :) ♥♥
oh fuck. you just took my pumper in your hand and just squeezed the shiiit out of it! damnit jin...how could you do that to kame! yes...painfully honest is the right word for jin. and insufferable pain is what kame is feeling. thank you for this....the timelines were great. the giddy time during their teens...to the so in love moments after their debut and cant keep their hands off of each other....to jin finding his dreams....
It took me a while to get the time to read this, but finally today I could. It was sensational. My heart still feels horribly mutilated. The whole fic was like a roller coaster, so many time levels, scenarios and emotions... And then the end. Oh, the end. You're cruel, you know that...
I'd write an incredibly long comment just to give some kind of idea how absolutely amazing I found this fic, but you've rendered me speechless and I think I'm still recovering :< Just know that I loved it very, very much, and I think you're amazing for writing this. Bookmarking. Thank you for sharing ♥ ;;A;
a;slksdga Oh wow, um. a;lskdg I don't even know what to say, just thank you for reading and for this wonderful comment. ;_; I'm so incredibly happy you enjoyed it, despite it mutilating your heart. :( Just, yes. Thank you so, so much, your comment just seriously made my day. ♥♥♥♥
Comments 14
damnit jin...how could you do that to kame!
yes...painfully honest is the right word for jin.
and insufferable pain is what kame is feeling.
thank you for this....the timelines were great.
the giddy time during their teens...to the so in love moments after their debut and cant keep their hands off of each other....to jin finding his dreams....
I'd write an incredibly long comment just to give some kind of idea how absolutely amazing I found this fic, but you've rendered me speechless and I think I'm still recovering :< Just know that I loved it very, very much, and I think you're amazing for writing this. Bookmarking. Thank you for sharing ♥ ;;A;
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