Title: Party Don't Stop
Pairing: Tegoshi-centric with PiTego and slight RyoTego
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Tub-surfing is a little-known party skill. Tegoshi takes to it like a duck in water. OR, This is why we don't leave Tegoshi unattended for long periods of time.
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the party don't start 'til I walk in )
Comments 19
Well no, I read it because it looked awesome. And it is. Awesome. I giggled, I loved Tegoshi, he was so funny and fit the scenario perfectly. Also Ryo's gold convertible. Of course.
I think my favourite part is when he chose to ditch Ryo. It was excellent.
I want that car.
Comfier than a bathtub. It's like he got a promotion! 8D
This was silly and cute and just the Tegosh¥ I've always wanted~ Thank you!
I still love that moniker. You are one clever lady. <3 And I'm glad it's the Tegosh¥ you always wanted since this whole thing was for you.
Aren't I just? 8D And it was very much appreciated. <3
I love how it followed the video and your descriptions are pretty damn A+
Loved it!
and it just got better from there. THANK YOU for making this otherwise "meh" video totally awesome. ♥
see also: OFFICER YAMAPI. OH MY FUCK YES. *______________* /missing the point
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